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Corporate Communications Professional

Corporate Communications Professional

Work Experience

Experienced professional (15 years active, BA Communication and Management) in the field of corporate communications, media relations/reputation and management consulting. Obtained this experience while working for European companies, governmental organizations and in Dutch/European politics. Flexible, analytical, but with a getting-things-done mentality.

Extensive experience in the role of senior advisor to Executive Board members, middle and senior management and politicians. Knowledgeable manager of communications teams and projects. Re-occurring element is management/coaching of communication professionals and training of management. Skilled in providing proactive advice on improving and/or completely reorganizing procedures and organizations.

A tested spokesperson with experience in conducting interviews on radio & television regarding various corporate matters, and during crisis situations, with a focus on safe guarding the organizational reputation. Has both strategic/tactical and executive experience in the field of crisis communications and crisis management, also in an international context. Pro-actively builds support among internal and external stakeholders in order to make the job at hand a success.


1997 - 2000 BA Communications & Management, Hanzehogeschool Groningen - The Netherlands (partially bi-lingual)


Pro-active, focus on collaboration, persuasive, stress resistant, strong verbal & written skills, decisive, organizational and political-administrative sensitive, advisor on a strategic level, coaching management, quick study.


Dutch - Native
English - Fluent
German - Fluent
Spanish - Basic reading
Swedish - Basic reading


Managerial experience:
• Functional manager of 6 external communication advisors/spokespersons (2x 1.5 years)
• Responsible & chair international incident and crisis management teams (1.5 years)
• Lead preliminary phase for a reorganization of a health care organization (1.5 years)
• Lead large (international) communication projects, including managing involved agencies
• Co-ordinator for consecutive national election campaigns (4x 1 year)
• Manager of three-person strong front desk team (2 years)
• Organizational lead D66 national party conferences (15x)


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