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Contract Project Manager

Contract Project Manager

Work Experience

WHSmithOnline–May 2000 to February 2001
Roles: Senior Developer
Skills: Using Visual Studio and Visual Basic to develop applications for in house use.
· Position taken to improve Internet development skills.
· Learnt JavaScript during development
A written reference can be obtained once the contract is complete.

Intuitive Systems – February 2000 to May 2000
Roles: Senior Developer
Skills: Using Visual Basic 6, XML, ER-Win and MS-Access to continue the development of financial application. This application allows IFAs to get instant Quotes and Proposals for policies via the Internet.
· Position taken to ensure my technical skills were up to date.
· Learnt XML during development
A written reference can be obtained from me.

On holiday – December 1999 / January 2000

Redstone Telecom – April 1998 to Nov 1999 (Extended three times)
Roles: Project Manager / Implementation Manager / Team Leader
Skills: Managing software development / Managing client expectations / Systems Design / Process Modelling
This contract was divided into two phases. Initially I managed the Tactical Development Team of myself plus another three contractors. The team fixed bugs in, and continued the development of, the Customer Services System using VB 4 & 6 and SQL Server 6.5. For the second phase of the contract I managed the development of a new project to be launched in conjunction with Redstone’s business partners.
· Worked on major client facing projects
· Analysis of tactical development solutions
· Direct co-ordination with clients and partner organisations
· Management of the installation, testing and acceptance of external systems
· Using UML / USDP for formal process and data modelling
· Adding pages to Redstone’s Intranet using Frontpage 98

Crisp Computing – Jan 1998 to April 1998
Roles: Developer
Skills: VB5 development
Converting a large 16bit VB3 project to 32bit VB5. Also internationalising the project to include DBCS versions of Windows. The project was a point of sale system for the financial and insurance market.
· Financial experience required

Barclays Bank; Business Banking - Sept 1997 to Jan 1998 (Extended once)
Roles: Project Coordinator / Analyst / Developer
Skills: MS Access 97 / Web Design
This project was to create a Competitor Review database that could be accessed via MS Access and via their Intranet.
· Project Planning
· Web page design
· MS Access 97 development

Barclays Property Holdings - April 97 to Sept 1997 (Extended once)
Roles: Business Analyst
Skills: MS Access 2
Managing the development of a reporting database for the property finance department. The majority of this work was for budgeting, forecasting and MIS.

i2 Ltd - Oct 96 to April 1997 (Extended once)
Role: Analyst / Developer
Skills: VB4
The company has an internal use database for managing the client contacts, product licences and support calls. This product required upgrading from VB3 to VB4 and enhancing.
· The contract required security clearance

GPT (Telecom) - March 96 to October 96 (Extended once)
Role: Business Analyst / Developer
Skills: Functional Specification / VB4
This product required re-specifying and upgrading from VB3 to VB4.
· Using in house Data and Process Modelling techniques

Computer Sciences Corporation - March 95 to March 96 (Extended twice)
Roles: Client Liaison / Business Analyst / Developer
Skills: Managing Client Expectation / VB3 / Process Modelling
This contract was to support C.S.C.’s management of the BhS IT department. I was based on the customer site supporting the installation of a Franchise Distribution System. My main responsibility was liaison with BhS management and providing standard reports and ad-hoc management information.
· Based on Client Site
· Using Catalyst (based on SSADM) as the formal modelling methodology.
M&G Unit Trusts - Dec. 94 to March 95
Role: Developer
Skills: Crystal Reports
Development of a quoting system for M&G’s Pension, Bond, FIP and other associated products in Chelmsford.

Bankers Trust Company - May 94 to Dec. 94 (Extended once)
Role: Business Analyst / Developer
Skills: VB3 / MS Access
Conversion of the back office equity systems from Clipper to Visual Basic and MS Access. My job was to consult with the users as to what each system did and to assess any minor changes the users required during the rewrite.
· Re-specification of the existing project
Civil Aviation Authority - Aug. 93 to May 94 (Extended twice)
Role: - Project Manager and Technical Analyst
Skills: Change Request Management / Clipper / MS Access 1.1
There were two main phases of this contract. The first was Change Request Management for the Authorities 500 users. They have about 50 systems written in Visual Basic, MS Access and Clipper. The second phase of the contract was to manage a project for ATOLs. I managed a small team of developers and saw the project to completion.
First National Bank of Chicago - March 93 to July 93 (Extended once)
Roles: Business Analyst and Developer
Skills: Clipper S87 / 5.01
Upgrade to the Accounts Payable System including adding extra functionality.


1997 - Post Graduate Certificate in Management
1987 - B. Sc. (Hons) Computer Science
1983 - 3 A'levels
1982 - 2 O'levels
1981 - 4 O'levels
1981 - 3 CSE


Management Skills
· Technical Project Manager for Internet, VB, SQL Server or MS Access projects. My experience managing projects includes on-site and off-site development during my time contracting as well as many projects for my previous company. I prefer a ‘hands on’ management style.
· Other Management Roles including Customer Relationship Management, SLA negotiation, Installations, Testing and Risk Management.
· Development Team Leader specifying and designing interfaces and functionality for MIS and other projects.
· Business Management skills I developed whilst running a software development company for 6 years.
· Business Analyst skills to deal with non-technical users and management at all levels
· Post Graduate Certificate in Management
Technical and Other Skills
· Currently using and studying UML / USDP as the methodology for specifying, constructing, visualising and documenting software intensive systems. (Unified Modelling Language and Unified Software Development Process in conjunction with Rational Rose.) 18 months experience with some use of Catalyst prior to that.
· Technical Interviewer for agencies since 1998 interviewing VB developers for contract positions
· Database Design using ER-Win and ER-Studio
· Developing VB applications (COM / DCOM). Versions 3 through 6 since 1994
· Developing Web applications (HTML / ASP / DreamWeaver / Visual Studio / VBScript / XML). 2 years experience. Also some JavaScript.
· B.Sc. (Hons) in Computer Science
· Specific experience of working within the Banking, Financial and Telecom industries
· Security cleared by the Civil Service (Counter Terrorism Clearance in 1993)


Learning Dutch


Full UK Drivers licence and car
Full UK Motorcycle licence and motorcycle
Glider Pilots licence
Private Pilots Licence (Expired)


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