Flex Manager
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Manager Innovation and Change

Manager Innovation and Change

Work Experience

Relevante werkervaring
• Manager Innovation Development for retail, wholesale and international trade
• National EU expert Commerce for the European Union
• Manager Innovations virtual shopping
• Manager development Retail Training Institute Zambia
• Trainer fashion collection policy in a digital world for the board of C&A, H&M
• Consulting the Minister of the textile industry of Tunesia (CGO)
• CEO and co-founder of Macropolis, de grootste winkelstad van Nederland
• Personal meeting Bill Gates
• CEO of InnoQuest, e-Business implementation indoor centre
• CEO Compacity Services International, competence based LCMS for the textile chain
• Manager European degree for fashion design
• Manager expert platform for European Fashion
• Manager Social Media en Microsoft Dynamics CRM (cross media, smartphone devices, tablets)

- 10 years of experience interim manager
- Competence management in Fashion en retail
- Project management Social CRM Microsoft Dynamics
- E-commerce manager
- E-business manager


University of Utrecht

drs. Onderwijs Psychologie
drs. Onderwijskunde


strong innovator, business concept architect, enterpreneurial skills


english fluent


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