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(Project) Manager en Business Consultant

(Project) Manager en Business Consultant

Work Experience

Information Consultant for department of Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (department of Welfare and Labour)
For this government department, we (Bureau Zenc and I) are currently researching a solution to better manage employee data based on the concept of ‘basisregistratie’ (technologies and procedures to guarantee data integrity). The goal is a better source of data for applications, so as to enable single-sign on, better budgeting, improved security, better efficiency, et cetera.

Projectmanager Website: “Foundation for Global Village Congress”
For this foundation with a world-wide UN-accreditation, I built a website within several weeks, based on the user friendly open source platform Drupal. GVC-employees can now easily log-in and add or change text and images to the website. Moreover, users can log in and administer their profiles, opt-in or out for newsletters, et cetera. Also, the participating villages can use a protected environment to describe their opportunities, problems and envisioned development projects. This information is used by the foundation to make decisions about investments and put villages around the globe in touch with each other.

Projectmanager Pilotproject GML for ProRail
For ProRail I ran a pilot project to develop skills and knowledge in the field of GML (an XML-variation). The long-term goal was to replace CAD-files with GML as their main form of information exchange. The end result was a successful GML-export and import, and a report describing all accumulated knowledge as well as recommendations.
Business Consultant for ICTU / Contact Center Overheid
The Dutch government has decided to decentralize all contact with citizens at city level, even when it concerns questions concerning the central government. This decision meant that all relevant information on the government should be made available to city-workers. But there were many questions such as, “how will we structure the content?”
* How can the available content be reused effectively?
* How can existing government departments play their part?
The job was given to Bureau Zenc, who in turn hired me for my specific knowledge on content management and process design. Together with Bureau Zenc, we designed a process model and an information architecture which answered the above questions. Our solutions were delivered in the form of a project plan. The plan was approved and the project will start autumn 2006.
Projectmanager Intranet Portaal for the Nederlandse Mededingings Autoriteit (Nma) (Netherlands Competition Authority)
The Nma needed a new version of their intranet portal, based on Microsoft Sharepoint Technology. Nma uses the portal to gather and distribute documents from all corners of the organisation. Some 40 new features were specified. The job was given to Virtual Affairs, who in turn hired me for managing the project.

Teacher Business Economics Programme
In the spring of 2006 I taught a course in business economics at the Hogeschool Arnhem-Nijmegen (2nd year Bachelors in dietary studies)

Programme manager for ProRail
From 1/1/2005 to 1/4/2006 I worked as a Programme Manager for ProRail. The programme was started to improve the control of ProRail on its suppliers in large and small infrastructural projects. To do this, many aspects of the development, management and publication of regulation documents needed to improve. At its zenith, I controlled more than 10 large and small projects, making changes to the publishing and management software as well as to operating procedures and routines throughout the company. The programme was managed by a steering group of directors. I was responsible for managing approximately 10 people.

Information consultant ProRail
Role: consultant for the Technical Committe. My responsibility was to advise on the development and introduction of regulations and collaborations, in order to improve the exchange of infrastructural information between ProRail and its partners. I played an important part in embedding the committee and its responsibilities, starting a feedback group with suppliers. I was the main architect of the structured data exchange that currently exists.

2001 - 2005
Author for many publications in the areas of ICT
I have written many articles, overviews and checklists on ICT-related subjects such as e-business, project management and ICT-management. I have had columns in the Dutch versions of CIO and Infoworld. Also, I have published in Emerce, Business Consultant, ComputerPartner, Management Consultant, Zibb.nl, Bizz, Tijdschrift voor Marketing (connect). (eg ‘Business Intelligence update’, ‘Business Trends 2003’, “Content Management Update’ and several FAQ’s ),

Projectmanager Publishing concept for Delft University Press
Projectmanager for the development of a back-office for a community around online science publications.


Business consultant for City of Rotterdam
Workshops, interviews, writing a project plan for a city website / online community (together with Bureau Zenc)

Communications consultant for Ruysdael Adviesgroep
Marketingworkshops, communications advice about translating their technical skills to the ICT-market.

Project manager CAD-regulations for Railinfrabeheer / ProRail
Project manager for the project “CAD-regulations”. The goal of the project was to create a body of regulations that could be used for the large scale digitization of infrastructure drawings. I was also author of several generic regulations on information architecture.

Project manager website for Improfin advies
Project manager of website. Go-between for client and technical supplier. I made the functional design and managed the realisation of the renewed web-site.
Business Development Manager for Noblestar Benelux
Developing and embedding a market approach. Together with the people at Noblestar, I translated their considerable technical skills in the area of the mobile internet, to a proposition of customer focused solutions.

Business consultant for Mediamotive

Developed a strategy and business plan. Designed a concept for a car-focused portal and online community. Held talks with potential investors.

Business Consultant for NetlinQ Framfab
Formulated a market strategy for broadband consultancy services. Organised the market team and embedded it in organisation.

Business Consultant for PortofRotterdam.com

Translated the business model to an information architecture, as well as to a functional design and technical specifications. Consulted during software selection and purchase of the content management system.

Business Consultant for Geboortewinkel
Translated off line processes to e-business model, formulated new opportunities, and wrote a business plan for a website and online community.

Projectmanager web-shop for Nuon Warmgeregeld
Projectmanager for the technical realisation of Nuon Warmwonen-shop (direct selling concept).

Projectmanager Internetstrategie for @fun/SBS/Endemol
Projectmanager of a group of consultants, who were developing and internet strategy/functioneel design. Project duration: 1 month.

Business Manager for Twofold-media / RethinQ
As part of the venture capitalist RethinQ, I coordinated the start-up phase of a new e-business called TwoFold. I played an important role in developing an identity, building the website and purchasing the web-application for auctioning advertising space.

Hoofdredacteur for Ten Hagen en Stam
Editor-in-chief of the (then) Wolters-Kluwer monthly, “Informatie – maandblad voor de informatievoorziening”. I was responsible for publishing strategy, budget, and formula. We made a new magazine monthly within requirements of time, quality and budget. Each magazine had some 15 to 20 authors; I worked with a team of approximately 5 people. As editor-in-chief I was also the project manager of the development and purchase of the online version of informatie.nl, as well as of the integration of the online version in editing processes.

Editor for Wolters Kluwer
Editor of a large number of ICT-publications, such as loose-leaf publications, books and an e-business newsletter.

University Teacher Dutch Language at the University of Salford, UK
Part of the Harting Scholar Exchange programme. I independently set up and executed the Dutch Programme 94-95 based on available literature.


Prince2 Foundation Certificate
Masters degree in English literature and linguistics (finished) at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. One year at the university of Salford, England.
Computer Science and Mathematics (not finished) at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.


HAM-radio ministerial exam (PH0HD)

Atheneum (finished) at the Rijksscholengemeenschap te Schagen, The Netherlands. Subjects: Dutch, English, Mathematics (A&B), Physics, Economics (I&II)

HAVO (finished) at the BAC te Schagen, The Netherlands. Subjects: Dutch, English, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Business Economics.


Content Management
Internet technologies
Prince2 & project management
Open Source en Open Standards
Information Management
Organisational Politics
Translating ICT to organisation
Communications & Media
Persevering to reach a goal
Experience with
Programme management, process design, procedures, quality management, document management, knowledge management. Shopping software, payment gateways, business consulting, business planning, PHP, MySql, XML, GML, Unified Modelling Language, XML-schema design.
Knowledge of
Broadband technologies, Mobile technologies, Service architectures, Enterprise Portals, Web Services, CRM, ERP, EAI, supply chain management, EFQM, competence management, SCM, Cold Fusion, Unix / Linux, Pascal, Databases, SQL


Some German
Some French



Amateur Theatre
Guitar / singing
Volunteer for the Utrecht Amateur Theatre festival

1997-1999: Secretary for the Alumni English Language and Literature of Groningen
1999-2003: General board member NGI Utrecht
2003: Public Relations co-ordinator Amnesty International for the provences Utrecht and Noord-Holland.


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