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Algemeen Directeur/Change manager

Algemeen Directeur/Change manager

Work Experience

01/2002 – ongoing : SHL Europe
Job Title : Regional Managing Director/member Excom
Function : Responsible for the European operations of SHL Group a stock listed company based in the UK . The Company develops, sells and uses Psychological tests. Turnover Euro 32 mill in 11 countries and with 180 staff. Restructured the complete business in terms of culture, costs and offerings in the past 3,5 years.
01/2001 – 12/2001: Kema Quality
Job Title : Managing Director
Function : Responsible for the complete operations in 8 countries worldwide. Provided electronic testing and certification(KEMA keur). Part of the parent company KEMA N.V. Turnover Euro 50 mill with 500 staff. Restructured the business in terms of culture, costs and processes. Based in Arnhem.
01/1995 – 12/2000: ENECO Energy
01/1999 – 12/2000: ENECO LMO
Job Title : Managing Director
Function : Responsible for gas and electricity delivery, maintenance and client support in the area of Rotterdam to private and corporate clients. Turnover Euro 50 mill with 500 staff. Reorganized the culture, processes and client orientation.
01/1997-12/1998 : ENECO HO
Job Title : Vice President HR, Director of Change Management
Function : Responsible for Quality assurance, Process redesign and Culture change in the whole Group. Implemented process redesign in client services and back-office operations with the help external consultants (Booz Allen; Principal Consult). Based in Rotterdam.
01/1995-31/1997 : Eneco HO
Job title : Interim manager, Director Process Improvement
Function : Implementing a quality assurance model based on ISO 9000 and EFQM in the whole company (18 subsidiaries). Successful implementation end of 1997.
01/1995-31/1997 : IQ Control
Job Title : Managing consultant/Interim manager Quality assurance
Function : Responsible for own consultancy deals and the internal Operation. Turnover Euro 2 mill, 6 staff. Based in Breda.
01/1994-12/1995 : Jacobs & Partners
Job title : Senior Consultant HR
Function : Responsible for on turnover of Euro 300 K in the areas of coaching and selection.
11/1971-12/1993 : Royal Dutch Army
Job title : Army officer, last rank Lieutenant Colonel.
Function : Last job Director of Selection and Recruitment Centre. Before that a long career with the Troops, Army schools and MOD, in the Netherlands, Lebanon and Germany. Started as Artillery officer and continued as an Army psychologist (1986).


08/1990-08/1992 : Masters degree in Management and Organization (MMO) at the Tilburg Institute of Academic Studies.
08/1986-08/1989 : Masters degree in Behavioural and Organisational Psychology (drs) at Leiden University.
08/1972-06/1976 : Royal Military Academy Breda. Graduated as Artillery officer.
08/1963-06/1970 : HBS B in Steenwijk/the Hague.


Integral Change management.
Quality Assurance and Process Redesign.
Psychology (training; coaching; assessment)


Dutch Native
English Excellent
German Good
French Reasonable


Like to take responsibility for the integral change approach from startegy till operations.


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