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interim management

interim management

Work Experience

Career History

Draeger Medical KgaA & AG, Draeger Medical Head Office (09/2002 – 01/2005)
Luebeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Chief Information Officer

Draeger Medical is a family owned German multinational that has a leading position in designing, producing, selling and maintaining Medical Products for the Acute Point of Care Area. It has a turnover of 1.1 B€ and has 6000 employees worldwide. Draeger Medical is represented in more then 190 countries.
As CIO I was responsible for a worldwide IT budget of 44 M€ and steered the global IT Strategy with a Global IT Team of 16 people. The execution of the IT Strategy was done via a Strategic IT Partnership of 5 years where with Transformational Outsourcing we were bringing the IT Infrastructure to a much higher efficiency and effectiveness and at the same time ensure that the core Enterprise Application platforms were able to bring the Global IT solutions for the Global Business Processes that were defined and rolled out.

Major Accomplishments:
• IT Integration for two Merger & Acquisition activities of Draeger Medical.
• New IT Strategy for Draeger Medical called 'IT Strategy of eEnabling Platforms' followed by a Program called ‘Strategic Plan 1-5’ to deploy the Business aligned IT Strategy over a time horizon of five years.
• Selling of Draeger IT Companies to a Strategic IT Partner and negotiation of a five year transformational outsourcing contract.
• Management of worldwide IT budget of 44 M€ (2005).
• Applications Management Program for Draeger Medical consisting of following elements:
=> Restructured SAP Sales & Service Template Program (SAP Platform).
=> Production Template Program (SAP Platform).
=> Global Product Lifecycle Management Program (Axxalant/PLM 5 from Agile)
=> Global Content Management Platform for Internet presence (Teamsite platform from Interwoven).
=> Global eCollaboration Platform (Livelink from Open Text) as worldwide Intranet, document management system, knowledge management platform with enterprise, project and personal workspaces.
=> Global Field Service Program (Application for Field Service Technicians around the world to certify the medical equipment and to provide quality data. The Application was interfaced with the Global SAP platform for the Order To Cash process and exchange of Master Data.

• Infrastructure Management Programm:
=> Reengineer and Redesign of IT Infrastructure for the whole Draeger Group with different IT Partners. The design consisted of a new Global Wide Area Network and a globalised and standardised IT infrastructure environment called the Common Operating Environment.
The Common Operating Environment entitles a centralisation of various applications services into 3 worldwide service centres, a global active directory as basis for a secure and optimal managed IT environment, a redesign of the global email environment, a worldwide rollout of a standardised PC Client and the reengineering of the diverse applications landscape with as goal to reduce the number of applications to maximum 400.
• Thunderbirds project: Standardised video and voice conferencing capabilities with data sharing in 18 Draeger Medical locations.

Novo Nordisk Europe, European Headquarter (08/2000 - 10/2002)
Brussels, Brabant Belgium
ICT Director Europe

Novo Nordisk is a Danish Pharmaceutical Multinational who has a leading position in producing and selling Diabetes Care products. It has 18.000 employees worldwide. Novo Nordisk founded a Strategic Headquarter in Brussels for Europe and with as mission to boost the Sales Results, Optimise Operations and manage the Clinical Trials & Product Launches. As ICT Director Europe I was responsible for setting the IT Strategy for Europe and ensure that for achieving the goals of the European Headquarter the right IT solutions were build.

Major Accomplishments:
• IT Infrastructure to accomplish a distributed Shared Service Centre for Finance and cooperate with Corporate IT for the realisation of it in the Global SAP platform.
• An European VPN solution to support the IT Infrastructure standardisation and for the application landscape.
• To support the business strategy a portal solution was build and deployed with as core components a Management Cockpit for the European Sales Figures, a Workflow System to follow up on the various Clinical Trails & Product Launches in Europe, a Document and Knowledge Management System to share documents and information around Europe and to establish Europe wide cooperation. All information sources were personalised and tied together via portal software.
• Supporting infrastructure for the European Head office e.g. Wireless Technology, Standardised Video Conferencing Systems, IP Phone solution for Europe.

Europay International, IT Services and Operations (12/1998 - 08/2000)
Waterloo, Brabant, Belgium
Network Engineering Manager

Europay International was an organisation founded by major European banks to handle the bank transactions of different European Banks and credit card transactions of Eurocard/ Mastercard. Via a Strategic Partnership with MasterCard, using their infrastructure for transactions outside Europe, a worldwide coverage was achieved for the travelling cardholders. The company consisted of 250 Sales and Marketing people to sell the solutions to European Banks. Besides that an IT department of 250 people was there to develop payment solutions and deploy the necessary infrastructure, applications and services to support the bankcard and credit card transactions.

Major Achievement:

I was hired as Network Engineering Manager to design and implement a new Wide Area Network to replace the outdated technology (Frame Relay and X.25 based). As millions of transactions per day are processed, with a nightly reconciliation program, the deployment was a very sensitive operation. A high performing and cost efficient design was made and carefully but successfully developed and implemented.
With this project I achieved in the year 2000 the 'Telecom Manager of the Year' award.

American Express, Sales and Services Subsidiary for Benelux (10/1992 - 11/1998)
Amsterdam (and Brussels), Netherlands
IT Manager Benelux

American Express is a renown Credit Card Organisation who have sales, support and services offices around the world. It is divided into different worldwide product categories Credit Cards, Travel Products and Traveller Cheques. I was originally hired as IT Manager Belgium but due to the fact that the IT Manager of the Netherlands left and the organisation was transformed into a Benelux structure I have immediately assumed the function of IT Manager Benelux. The Benelux Organisation was about 600 people and was spread across 2 main offices (Amsterdam and Brussels), 8 travel offices and 44 implants (mini travel offices in the premises of major customers). I was responsible for the IT Infrastructure and applications of the Benelux organisation and led a team of 15 IT specialists.

Major Responsibilities and Accomplishments:
• Cooperation and optimisation of resources of the IT teams of Belgium and The Netherlands.
• Day to Day management of the computer centres and transaction processing machines.
• Implementation of a next generation integrated network for travel and credit card transactions.
• Standardisation and rationalisation of Telephony Services across the Benelux offices.
• Budget Management and Planning for IT Budget of Benelux office (1,2 M€).
• Member of Benelux Executive Team to provide consultancy and support regarding IT needs.
• Participation in a European Team to assess Outsourcing of PC and Server support to a third party and come to a Pan European Managed Services Environment.

Prime Computer - Computervision, Prime Cumputervision Head Office for Belgium (03/1992 - 10/1992)
Zaventem, Brabant Belgium
Logistics and Dispatching Supervisor

Prime Computer was a Computer Company who produced, sold and maintained minicomputer equipment. When Personal Computers and Local Area Networks began to push out this propriarity technology they bought Computervision that was a CAD/CAM products Manufacturer.
I was for six months responsible for the Logistics and Dispatching to support the field engineers and provided the internal IT Support

Major Accomplishments:
• Clean up and rationalisation of stocks of spare parts
• ISO 9002 certificate for Logistics and Dispatching area of the IT Services Department

Prime Computer - Computervision, Prime Computervision Head Office for Belgium (08/1988 - 03/1992)
Zaventem, Brabant Belgium
Systems and Network Manager

Major Responsibilities and Accomplishments
• Installation and maintenance of the different applications that supported the business functions (Accounting, Sales & Marketing, Service, Logistics, Human Resources,...).
• Desktop Automation including eMail System.
• When Prime Computer bought Computervision I provided IT support to the European Headquarter and interconnected them with the Prime Computer Head Office
• Creation of a network Infrastructure to integrate the mini computer network of Prime Computer with the Cad/Cam network of Computervision and provided connectivity to the Internet.

Prime Computer - Computervision, Prime Cumputervision Head Office for Belgium (01/1984 - 08/1988)
Zaventem, Brabant Belgium
Software Support Engineer

• Installation and upgrade of operating systems of Minicomputer systems and Cad/Cam workstations.
• Installation and configuration of software components like compilers of the operating system.
• Technical support by phone and on site.

Prime Computer - Computervision, Prime Cumputervision Head Office for Belgium (09/1982 - 01/1984)
Zaventem, Brabant Belgium
Filed Service Engineer - Region Responsible

• Repair of Minicomputers into he field and in the repair laboratory.
• Maintenance and installation of Minicomputer equipment.
• Management of a small team of field engineers.

Computer Machinery Corporation, Services Department (12/1980 - 08/1982)
Antwerp, Antwerp Belgium
Field Services Engineer

• Field engineer for maintenance and repair of data entry computer equipment and magnetic storage devices


Middlesex University, United Kingdom (1997)
Master of Science, Telematics
High School for Bookkeeping and Administration, Belgium (1988)
Graduate Informatics
Vrije Technische Scholen, Belgium (1981)
Graduate Electronics
Employer related courses
Various courses in Project Management, Leadership, Relationship Management, Change Management, People Management and Quality Management.


Telecomms, SAP ERP, Intranet/Internet/Extranet/Portal Technology, IT Management, IT Project Management.


Dutch (Mother tongue, fluent in speaking, reading and writing)
English (Fluent in speaking reading and writing)
French (Fluent in speaking and reading, moderate writing)
German (Fluent in speaking and reading, no writing)


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