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CFO, CFOO, Director, Finance Manager (Concern) Controller

CFO, CFOO, Director, Finance Manager (Concern) Controller

Work Experience

12-2000 t/m present Company : Anaximenes
Function : Consultant / Interim Manager
Description organisation : Anaximenes is an organisation specialised in Interim Management and Consultancy.
Besides my day to business as a Consultant IFRS / Internal Audit and as a Financial Professional I did several projects mentioned below:

10-2010- t/m 31-12-2012 Firmanaam : Vitree (Youthcare)
Function : CFOO
Description organisation:
Vitree is a youth healthcare organisation for all children with or without a mental disability. With one door for any child who needs care and/or protection
Give guidance to directly 6 and indirectly 27 people.
As Chief Officer responsible of the day to day business and in charge of all support departments and take care of primary operations

Finance and healthcare administration
Planning & Control
Facility Department
ICT, Quality and Information management
Marketing & Communication

Assignment and realization :

- company's continuity;
- set up new organisation(model);
- set up new stiring model;
- solving post merge problems;
- Realisation and implementation budgets 2011, 2012 en 2013
- Implementation planning & control cycle;
- Sales appointments with Healthcare AWBZ, ZZP’s en ZvW, GGZ DBC’s, Province subsidy and Municipal subsidy (WMO);
- Prepare transition Youthcare to Municipals;
- Implementation new reportmodel;
- Healthcare related activities implement VPT (Volledig Pakket Thuis) and business process reengineering Intake organisation.
- Set up a new division GGZ curative youth care.

08-2009 t/m 05-2010 Company name : Atlant Zorggroep
Function : Projectmanager

08-2008 t/m 03-2009 Company name : Servizz (Shared Service Centre)
Function : Manager Business Administration

Description Organisation :
Servizz is a shared service centre on behalve of the hospitals
Ziekenhuis Walcheren at Vlissingen and
Oosterschelde Ziekenhuizen at Goes. Both general hospitals at the region Zeeland.
Job description : As Manager Business Administration
responsible for a change of processing at the department
planning control and the team audit / internal control.
Setup a new management information reporting system
(Cognos). Roll out and implement a costs price model (TRAG) and
Give guidance to : directly 12 people
Trouble shooter and problem solver of complex (financial) problems, external budget, negotiations with banks and insurance company’s. Setup a whole new (administration) organisation and new control methods.

07-2007 t/m 07-2008 Company name : Kennemer Gasthuis
Function : Manager Finance and
Description organisation : Kennemer Gasthuis (KG) is a
general Hospital founded at 1991 after a merge of 3 region
hospitals namely St.Joannes de Deo and St. Elisabeth’s or
Groote Gasthuis from Haarlem and the Zeeweg Ziekenhuis at
The KG became the biggest general hospital in the region of
Kennemerland and has a rich history in the region.
Job discripion : As manager Finance and Administration
responsible for a change of processing of the department Dienst
Management Ondersteuning (Management Service Support)
DMO, the departments are: Finance and Administration,
Controlling, management information (ICT), medical information
and registration and organisation development.
Give guidance to : directly 8 en indirectly 77 people
Assignment : Trouble shooter and problem solver of complex (financial) problems, external budget, negotiations with banks and insurance company’s. Setup a whole new (administration) organisation and new control methods. Roll out and implement upgraded software.

11-2006 t/m 06-2007 Company name : GGZ Noord Holland Noord
Function : Manager Finance and Control
Decription organisation : GGZ Noord Holland Noord is a Mental
Hospital at Nothern of the Netherlands specialised in mental
care for long stay patients.
Job description : Taking care and guiding the GGZ NHN
during a merge stage with another mental hospital (GGZ Dijk en
Duin). After reject of this merge I upgrade the existing financial department and set set-up and upgrade financial software (Exact Financials) including internal audit and cost accountant department.

02-2006 t/m 07-2006 Company name : Provincie Zuid Holland, Dienst
Beheer Infrastructuur, District
Stedelijk Gebied
Function : Manager Business Administration a.i.
11-2005 t/m 03-2006 Firmanaam : ANWB
Function : Projectmanager
10-2004-t/m 02-2005 Company : General Hospital at Hilversum
Function : Interim Manager AO / IC
Description organisation : Hospital Hilversum is a general
hospital with 490 beds, 1600 employees, 85 medical specialists
and 24 different specialty’s. The hospital has a range of 117.000
Job description : Developing and implement of a new
department Internal Audit as described at the “Kaderregeling
t.b.v. de DBC systematiek ” and set up a manual Internal
Organisation including Internal Audit system with flowcharts and
process description of the primarily care processing and care
support processing.

01-01-2004 -30-06-2004 Company : ING Real Estate
Function : Consultant
Description organisation : ING Real Estate is a division of ING
Group and responsible for development and explore real estate,
investment assets and ING Investment Funds.
Job description : Converting reports and analyses
from Dutch GAAP into IAS/IFRS and US GAAP.

03-2002 t/m 10-2003 Company : Geldnet BV at Utrecht
Function : Advisor / Project Manager
Description organisation : Geldnet BV is an organisation
specialised in security transports, distribution, warehousing and
cash handling.
Job description : Set up a new position of the salary
department and personal department including a new
organisation structure and internal audit.
Give guidance to : Directly 5 project employees.
After analysing and reporting came the request to implement
the list of recommendations from the report. Such as set up a
new AO/IC develop a number of new processes to make the
connection with the production units. Supported by time
registration, standard forms and automation interfaces.

10-2000 t/m 07-2001 Company name : Olly’s BV at Alkmaar
Description organisation : Olly’s BV designed and produce the brand name Oilily women- en children fashion.
Function : Adviser / Project coordinator Finance
Give guidance to : Directly 3 project employee’s m/f indirectly 10 employee’s m/f financial department including Controller.
Job description : As a Business Process Owner Finance I was responsible for the complete finance processing descriptions including the interface description which was necessary to implement an ERP application (Essentus) and Financial application (Ross).

09-1992 t/m 10-2000
Company name : KPMG Financial Professionals
Function : (Financial) Interim Manager
Job description : As an Interim manager a lot of different assignments completed. As mentioned below:
10-1999t/m 10-2000 Company name : Jan van Breemen Instituut Amsterdam
Description organisation : The JBI is a categorical hospital where people with rheumatoid arthritis or physical damages are being threaded.
Function : Financial Controller (HEAD)
Give guidance to : Directly 10, indirectly 45 employees.
Job description : Taking care and guiding the JBI during
a merge stage with another hospital (Slotervaart Hospital). After
reject of this merge I set up a new internal organisation including
internal audit and initiate the implementation and integration of a
new software production application (Prodis) with the financial
software application (Finall).
06-1999 t/m 09-1999 Company name : Wolfson BV at Schoonhoven
Description organisation : Wolfson BV was a member of the RAI call-centres, where all the commercial activities of the RAI being supported, but also active as a in depended call centre.
Function : Financial Controller
Give guidance to : Direct 4, indirect 12 employees.
Job description : Set up an complete new business
administration including internal audit.
08-1998 t/m 04- 1999 Company name : Sigma Coatings BV
Description organisation : Sigma Coating is a leading company of industrial and do it your self paint and paint products.
Function : Business Analist / Controller Division Do
It Yourself Europe
Give guidance to : Directly at 10 Country Controllers: Netherlands; Great Brittan; Belgium; France; Italy; Spain; Germany; and the Scandinavian countries.
Job description : As a BU annalist responsible for the complete analyses of the development from consuming paint products at the European countries. Testing commercial en financial policy and set up budget rounds and approval the country budgets.
07-1997 t/m 07-1998 Company name : KPMG /Salary group
Company description : KPMG / Salary group is a department of KPMG Accountancy this department is taking care of the very complex salaries of expatriates en Coe’s of foreign company’s for example Japan; Australia and the US.
Function : Project leader reorganisation / Consultant
Give guidance to : 12 salary specialist’s m/f
Job description : This department of the company had to be reorganized because it was not efficient and remunerative in of to compete with other specialist company’s. The assignment was to set up a new department and introducing new aspects such as open communication, commercial thinking and efficient working also was there a need to expanding capacity, capability and professional acting.

05-1997 t/m 07-1997 Company name : Nuyens Events at Abcoude
Company description : Nuyens Events was a organisation which was specialised in organising events in cooperation with others, or as a independent well known events where the Country Fair and the Megafestatie at Utrecht.
Function : Interim Controller
Give guidance to : Directly 10 indirectly 15 employees
Job description : As a (Interim) Financial Manager/Controller taking care of the day to day business of a company in rough times negotiate with banks, suppliers and customers.
01-1996 t/m 04-1997 Company name : Chiron BV
Company description : Chiron BV as part of Chiron Corporation at Emmeryville, California. One of the largest pharmaceutical organisation specialized on diagnostic preparations of tracing cancers en viruses (HIV).
Function : Financial Manager
Give guidance to : Direct 8, indirect 18 employees
Job description : As Financial Manager responsible of the total financial organisation Benelux.
During my present set up and implement a new financial application, Sun en MIS, Hyperion, and introducing a new internal audit.
05-1995 t/m 12-1995 Company name : TUI Nederland BV
Company description : TUI Nederland BV established by a share take-over of Holland International an Arke Reizen by TUI Germany.
Function : Controller Financial Reporting
Give guidance to : Directly 5 employees
Job description : Assignment was to integrate the department financial reporting of HI, at Rijswijk, and Arke, at Enschede, and put them on a higher scale at report level.
From beginning using excel sheets as a reporting tool after 2 months I introduced Hyperion setup and integrated into the company.
06-1994 t/m 04-1995 Company name : Vroom & Dreesmann Warenhuizen BV
Description company : V&D Warenhuizen BV is a fully daughter of Vendex NV, a AEX quoted company, it’s a one of the largest warehouses of the Netherlands for decoration, fashion, electronic articles and niche articles.
Function : Controller Spui / Leyweg
Give guidance to : Directly 15, indirectly 30 employees
Job description : The assignment was together with 12 colleagues of KPMG to change the organisation from a country branch company to an independent sales unit meaning by each address a own BV, with a purchase holding to support the sales units.
Also set up a new sales and purchase point (POS), where the movements of stock are being registered and the stock automatically where updated by the purchase department or directly by suppliers with as a result having a review of the daily business sales and stock movements. I also setup by entity a financial administration and management information system for weekly/monthly reports.
10-1993 t/m 06-1994 Company name : Athlon NV
Description Company : Athlon NV is a, on the AEX quoted, international group of enterprises and offers a range of difference products en activities such as full service car leasing and directly related activities such as car renting and car care. These activities are primarily aiming for the business to business market.
Function : Assistance Due Diligence / Consultant
Give guidance to : Directly 4, indirectly 10 employees
Job description : Assistance to sell Opel Riva, a GM car dealer activity to Merel Car Company. The assignment was to take care of the very complicated administration of the purchase and importing of American cars. Also coordinating and in cooperation with the Dutch Custom Authority to make a confirmation with the official in- and output documents.
I also advised the new owners of this activity how to setup, maintain an import administration regarding the Dutch Legislation / GAAP and wrote an AO/IC concerning these processes.
12-1992 t/m 10-1993 Company name : Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Description Company : Mid 1991 the (College)Hogeschool van Amsterdam and the (College)Hogeschool Alkmaar where merged. After this merge a new region (College) Hogeschool was born.
Function : Controller
Give guidance to : Directly 5, indirectly 40 employees
Job description : The assignment was to integrate all administrations of the schools into 1 transparent business administration including a management information system.
By using of a fully integrated application, specially made for Colleges and schools, Eniac and writing and implementing a new AO/IC I put down a complete new (administrative) organisation.
03-1992 t/m 11-1992 Company name : Nederlands Omroep Bedrijf
Description Company : The NOB established after dividing of activities of the Dutch Broadcast Services. The NOB was the facility company. All facilities like building, maintenance and archiving sets and (mobile)studio’s where brought together into one company.
Function : Controller BTP
Give guidance to : Directly 2, indirect 3 employees
Job description : Because the NOB themselves only wanted to concentrate on the real activities namely facility broadcast activities and not building studio’s and sets they decided to knock off the building activities. The department Broadcast Technical Projects, building (mobile)studio’s, and the department which was responsible for building Scenery’s where forced to externalise. The assignment was to assist and advise the new manager/shareholder from Broadcast Technical Projects BV (formally head of the department) to establish the new organisation. However after some time the new manager/shareholder couldn’t find him selves in the new organisation and decided to quit after that the NOB decided then to sell the activities to third parties and together with a NOB manager we setup the sale.

01-1991 t/m 02-1992 Company : ABN AMRO.
Function : Project-leader
Give guidance to : Directly15, indirectly 140 Employees.
Job description : Implementing a new cash register system

07-1989 t/m 12-1990 Company : PTT Telecom (KPN)
Description Company : At the first of Januari 1989 the Government Undertaking PTT transferred to the Royal PTT Nederland NV, (KPN). The former government undertaking Post Telephone and Telegraph was split into a Telecom and Post company.
Function : Interim Financial Manager Region Noord-
Give guidance to : Directly 5, indirectly 80 employees
Job description : As a (Interim) Financial Manager responsible for the reorganisation and setup conformable a blue print of a new business administration and financial organisation in the region of Noord-Holland.

03-1988 t/m 06-1989 Company name : Fluor Daniël
Description Company : Fluor Daniël is an engineer’s bureau.
Function : Interim Financial Manager
Give guidance to : Directly 10, indirect 25 employees
Job description : Setup of a totally new business administration and financial administration and integrate the project administration into financial administration for analyse purposes namely to setup (financial)risk management. Also starting to transfer the organisation from a mainframe environment to a pc-network environment.

03-1984 t/m 12-1987Company name : Jeans Import Benelux
Function : Controller Europe / Benelux
Give guidance to : Directly 15, indirectly 115 employees

01-1983 t/m 03-1984 Company name : Heidemij Region Noord Holland
Function : Ass. Controller

01-1982 t/m 12-1982 Company name : Anderson Stockbroker Sveridge
Function : Staff

01-1981 t/m 12-1981 Company name : Anderson Stockbroker Danmark
Function : Staff

10-1979 t/m 12-1980 Company : Van Nelle Zoetwarendivisie
Function : Staff


Year Degree
1974-1978 Economics (Business Administration) no
1972-1974 Law (Labour Legislation) no
1966-1972 Gymnasium Beta yes
2009-2012 DOT method KPMG / Qconsult
2004-2005 DBC method Ernst & Young
2005-2006 ZZP method Ernst & Young
2002-2004 IAS/IFRS Ernst & Young
2001-2002 Project management Hogeschool Markus Verbeek Certificate
2000-2001 Management & Turnaround Hogeschool Markus Verbeek Certificate
1999-2000 New Dutch Tax system Hogeschool Markus Verbeek Certificate
1998-1999 Competition policy& ICT Hogeschool Markus Verbeek Certificate
1984-1986 Social Legislation GAK education Amsterdam yes


Type of Person : Pragmatic, analytic, inventive, problem recogniser, problem solver, Initiator and organiser.
Skills and : Set-up, manage and control business administrations including internal
Expert at audits, profit as well non-profit company’s, (ERP), Dutch GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS. Experiences with process documentation (process flows, narratives, policies and procedures) also new Dutch DOT-DBC system at Hospitals and ZZP Healthcare method. Set up, manage and control planning and control set up budgets and forecasts cycle at profit as well non-profit companies. Setup, manage and control MIS for Monthly Reports, (Hyperion / Business Objects). Manage and taking care of Dutch fiscal revenues (Taxes). Finance, (Banks and treasury) and Business Insurances.
Services : Internal Audit: Business Economics; Business- Administration;
Organisation and Financial Advisor; Business Economics-director;
Financial Director; (Concern)Controller; Financial (Project) manager.
Organisations : Small Business; Medium Business; Medium/Large organisations;
profit / non-profit.
Branches : Industry, retail (trading) company, fashion en public health service.
Products : capital goods, technical (sub)-contracting, business en public service.
Branches worked: Industry’s, retail, wholesale, trade, fashion and public health service
at (hospital).
Performances : business-like, formal en informal


German good Spanish moderate
French good Danish moderate
English excellent Swedish/Norwegian moderate


Experience with the following software applications:

Financial control-level Financial control-level
Software applications Software applications
Exact very good Ficos good
Sap version 3.0 very good Baan good
Oracle excellent Eniac good
JD Edwards One World good Finall good
Ross good Hyperion excellent

ERP control-level ERP control-level
Applications Applications
SAP good JD Edwards good
Baan good Ross good
Essentus good

Health care
Applications control-level
Prodis (VIR) good

HRM applications control-level HRM applications control-level
Raet Prigem good CMG Persmaster good
Beaufort good
ADP Perman I / II good

Personal Tools control-level
Microsoft Office excellent


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