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Management Consultant

Management Consultant

Work Experience

1 April 1996 to date - Management Consultant and Author

Following my secondment I was invited by Project North East to join their consultant panel as a freelance. Initially this was undertaken on a part-time basis whilst still working for Nat West although after twelve months I accepted a voluntary departure package from the bank and established my own full-time consultancy practice.

Since that time I have worked with a wide variety of businesses across a broad spectrum of industry sectors and gained accreditation through the British Accreditation Bureau as an approved consultant. This accreditation has now been superseded by inclusion on the National Business Link Consultant Register which is now administered by Assessment North East.

With my qualifications and experience I now assist businesses with strategic planning and reviews and can also offer guidance with marketing analysis and strategy formulation. Within these broad headings I have well developed problem solving skills including crisis management planning.

Throughout my career I have tried to assist organisations in the voluntary sector and have sat on a number of committees and company boards in order to offer advice on strategic planning. My latest appointment is to the board of directors of Sunderland Business Network Ltd, an amalgamation of two previous business advice organisations, which was established to assist businesses in the City of Sunderland.

1 November 1993 to 31 March 1996 - Senior Consultant - Project North East

Seconded by Nat West Bank to assist this independent, not for profit Enterprise and Economic Development Agency, working in the key area of strategic business planning to assist SME's in raising finance for growth and expansion.

Key areas of work undertaken included the marketing, operation and administration of the Financial Packaging Programme which offered businesses a diagnostic, counselling and full consultancy service in respect of strategic business planning and fund raising for expansion or diversification. Specific expertise was also gained in the process of grant applications for Regional Selective Assistance, Regional Enterprise Grants and SMART awards.

In view of my experience I also undertook a full review of the appraisal techniques utilised by Project North East in considering applications to their own loan fund in order to minimise the incidence of bad debts and improve the overall rate of return. Whilst on secondment I was accredited by Nat West via a firm of Independent Consultants as a Technology Manager to deal with the complex analysis and appraisal of potential new technology business propositions.

24 September 1974 to 31 March 1997 - National Westminster Bank PLC

I held a number of managerial appointments during my career with Nat West and brief details are given below.

1 May 1992 to 31 October 1993 - Head of Securities - Tyneside Business Centre

Responsibility for a team of ten staff dealing with seven branches together with the Tyneside Corporate Banking Centre in respect of the taking and perfecting of all security for advances ranging from legal mortgages over land and property and personal and company guarantees to complex corporate security including mortgage debentures, performance and bid bonds, tender documents and company cross guarantee structures.

It was also my responsibility to develop Strategic Business Plans and provide an analysis of sales and marketing achievements for the Tyneside Business Centre together with specific marketing plans for the achievement of the annual targets for all branches covered by the Centre.

1 July 1989 to 30 April 1992 - Lending Manager - Sunderland Business Centre

Overall responsibility for a portfolio of 500+ Business accounts together with the entire personal customer base of some 10,000 customers. Direct responsibility for a team of six support staff to undertake business plan appraisal and sanctioning of commercial lending propositions. In addition I was responsible for appraising and sanctioning all personal lending via overdrafts or loans together with the granting of facilities on debit and credit cards.

Accredited as Small Business Advisor for Wearside with responsibility for counselling to SME's through Wearside Training and Enterprise Council and lectures to Universities, Colleges and Schools as part of the Bank's community programme, Understanding Industry, specifically dealing with business management and financial control systems.


1995 - Master of Business Administration
1994 - Diploma in Financial Studies: Chartered Institute of Bankers
1992 - International Diploma in Marketing: Chartered Institute of Marketing
1990 - Associate: Chartered Institute of Bankers

Membership of Professional Organisations
Associate: Institute of Cost & Executive Accountants
Fellow: Institute of Professional Financial Managers
Fellow: Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacture & Commerce

Community Appointments
2002 Executive ¾ Sunderland Business Network Ltd
1999 - 2002 Director - Business Enterprise Network Ltd
1997 to date Performance Assessor - General Medical Council
1991 to date Justice of the Peace - Tyne & Wear Commission
1989 - 1997 Chairman of Governors - Grindon Infants School
1989 - 1992 Chairman of Governors - Broadway Junior School
1990 - 1992 Member - Steering Committee B Tec
National Training Awards, Wearside College
1990 - 1992 Member - Steering Committee Monkwearmouth College
Business Advice Centre
1992 - 1995 Trustee - Grindon Boys Club Management Committee


Highly experienced consultant, active at all levels from the small business to the large corporate structure. An intuitive problem-solver with the ability to achieve results in a direct and unbiased manner. A wealth of knowledge in all areas of business and a major contributor to work in the community.

Excellent communicator, first class negotiator and someone who is not afraid to give straight answers to difficult questions. Specialities are many but include financial planning, marketing, risk analysis, fund-raising and both short and long-term strategic planning.

Has the ability to quickly assimilate large quantities of information and present an accurate overview of an institution's strengths and weaknesses. A must for any organisation that is seeking to utilise an experienced, innovative and resourceful individual.

Listed on the National Business Link Consultants Register.


An accomplished author with a number of business management titles already published with further works due to be published in 2003.

How To Books - Essentials Series
"The Ultimate Business Plan" (8/2000)(2nd edition/revision published 10/2002)
"Buying a Franchise" (1/2001)
"Accounting for the Small Business" (3/2001)(2nd edition/revision due 3/2003)
"Develop a Winning Marketing Plan" (4/2001)
"Raising Start-up Finance" (9/2001)

How To Books - Main Series
"Make Marketing Work For You (3/2001)
"Financing a New Business" (5/2001)
"Understanding Financial Accounts" (6/2001)

How To Books - Reference Series
"Your Own Business - The complete guide to succeeding in Business" (10/2001)

Nexus Publications Ltd
"Learning to Fly in 21 Days" (8/2000)

Seager Publishing Ltd
"The Flyer Guide to Flying in Florida (6/2000)


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