Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
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Manufacturing manager

Manufacturing manager

Work Experience

Managing all production, raw materials and quality control departments, in a way that the production plan is carried out in a safe, efficient way and within the budget (€ 8.000.000)

1. Productivity improved with 10%
2. Involved with both ISO-9001/14001 implementation and certification
3. Integration of QC in production department
4. Member of the local safety and quality steering committee
5. Member of development team balanced score card
6. Team leader supply chain MRP II taskforce

1999 – 2003 Chairman works council (“ondernemingsraad”)

1. consulting two times management during a buy out process
2. Member of the European works.


1982-1986 – MAVO
1986-1991 – MTS procestechniek
1996 HTS kandidaat technisch chemicus (several certificates)
2000 VCA II voor operationeel leidinggevende
2000 Opleiden en trainen in de praktijk -Fontys hogeschool
2001 Mentor training –VAPRO
2002 Post academische plantmanagement
2003 HBO bedrijfskundig management
2006 Integrated business management




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