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Event Coordinator

Event  Coordinator

Work Experience

11/2004 to date - Event Coordinator with area of specialisation in event management - European Athletic Association

1) Project leader for allocated top events, such as : European Athletics Indoor Championships (4000 pax), European Cup Superleague (2000 pax), European Cross Country Championships (2000 pax), European Junior Championships (3000 pax),:
o Project manager role, having overall responsibility for the event organisation; supervise all the parties involved in the event organisation
o Control the budget delivery
o Establish and manage the project management plan and coordinate all parties involved in the event; lead the co-ordination meetings, set the information and reporting systems;
o Information flow and dissemination for other areas and onsite coordination and communication;

2) Event coordination for all the top events organised by European Athletic Association, such as Championships (8000 pax), Indoor Championships (4000 pax) , European Cups (2000 pax):
o Supervise, manage and approve logistics systems (accommodation, transportation, accreditation) for all the accredited persons before the event and during the event;
o Supervise sponsor logistics (accommodation, transport, accreditation, tickets, delivery and display of sponsor products), protocol, ceremonies and social programmes;
o Coordinate establishing and managing Guest and Accreditation Management System with the Organising Committees and with the system provider; supervise the approval procedure and to provide training to the Organising Committees; manage system provider regarding all issues related to the system before and during the event;
o Coordinate preparation, production and distribution of post event sponsor reports;

3) Organiser of European Athletics conferences and workshops, such as CEO Conference (100 pax), bidding seminars (30 pax):
o Establish and manage the project management plan and coordinate all parties involved in the event; lead the co-ordination meetings, set the information and reporting systems;
o Control the budget delivery
o Supervise logistics (accommodation, transportation, accreditation) for all the attending persons; Assist in programme and content preparations

01/2002 to 07/2004 - Assistant to General Director and Office Manager - Athletics Events Office, Bydgoszcz, Poland
1) Administration
o Run the Athletics Events Office;
o Translate all the official documentation of the event, interpret press conferences for local media;
o Prepare and manage the meetings; gather, store and distribute the information within the company;
2) Event Management
o Prepare the logistic plans; manage the accreditation and work as a trouble shooter in the areas of accommodation and transportation during the events;
o Coordinate the international sponsors logistics;
o Work on the preparations of the ticketing plan;
o Coordinate the invitations’ system and the invitations’ distribution;
o Lead the negotiations with athletes representatives;
3) Promotion and Design
o Update the event web site;
o Work on the preparations of official publications of the event;

1999-2002 - Administration and accreditation assistant - Internship in Bydgoszcz City Hall, Promotion and Sport Department


2002 – 2007 Bydgoszcz University of Economics
Bachelor Degree (grade A), Diploma with Commends in Tourism and Events Organisation.
Thesis “Organisation process of international sport events and influence of international sport events on tourism development”

2001 – 2002 Poznań University of Economics Tourism and Hotel Management

2000 – 2001 Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Language studies

1996 – 2000 The Leon Kruczkowski Secondary School of General Education
Graduation Diploma with Commends of Secondary Education class with extended English teaching programme


Project Management
Team Leading
Strong organisational skills
Flexibility and stress resistance
Experience in working in various working cultures (led projects in Netherlands, Russia, Serbia, Italy and Spain)


Polish – Mother Tongue
English - Fluent
Italian – Beginner
German - Beginner


I am a flexible and stress resistant person, comfortable to work as a trouble-shooter and capable of finding solutions under pressure. Event organisation is not only my job, but also my passion. I approach the projects with enthusiasm, and find lot of satisfaction in working under the tight schedule, meeting the deadlines and delivering the project on the set date and in the way which is the most effective for the organiser and brings a positive response from the participants.


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