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Manager Operations Support Division InterimConsultantMan

Manager Operations Support Division InterimConsultantMan

Work Experience

(Freelance) Management Consultant/Entrepreneur (CPT) 07.2007 – present
(Diverse) consultative (strategy & executive administration, primary operations & support) knowledge & change management programs & projects, as extensively mentioned in the Cover Letter (e.g. which most notably yielded 25% increased profitability (approx. 500K ZAR) during a specific (interim) program).

Group Operations Manager (promotion, First Security Group) 01.2006 – 06.2007
Operations & administration management of the (enterprise’s three company-) group, including all developments and initiatives in line with (the board, Group Managing Director’s & own) strategic -& business -plans, as well as directing the sub-managed divisions (incl. R&D; Sales; Projects; Training, Health & Safety; Support Services; Media; Public Relations; Personnel; Knowledge Management and Finance).
• Expanded the start-up organization to form (2) other subsidiaries, in (9) other locations, with 15 direct (middle) manager/management (staff) reports, 10 managed divisions and (approx.) 120 divisional staff; acquired & merged (4) other companies, managed (local and international) joint ventures and long-term business (development & procurement) contracts and return on initial (20M USD) investment within two years.
• Project management oversight on various corporate & operations facilities (approx. 25M USD).
Support Services Division Manager (First Security Group, DXB) 07.2004 – 12.2005
Primary operations support & administration (incl. logistics, facilities & resource (incl. corporate; commercial; residential; operations & call centre; warehouse & distribution (centre, fleet & transportation)) -; public relations -; personnel -; knowledge – and financial) -(development &)management of the start-up organization (established to provide omnifarious security-related management, operations & consultancies).
• Developed business opportunities, products & services (by performing market research & competitive analysis), with 10 direct (staff) reports and (approx.) 60 indirect (staff) reports.
• Project management oversight on (approx.) 50 (diverse) projects (approx. 15M USD); formalised the corporate governance, operational regulations (incl. communications, meetings, presentations, reports & events, etc.) and other (primary & support) systems and processes (incl. DMS (document management systems)).
• Capital asset procurement & resource management (approx. 5M USD (incl. ICT) and through inter-affiliated company procurement & service tenders, generated approx. 1M USD saving).
• Managed the change management of the developing, dynamic enterprise (incl. new employee induction and staff (operations & performance related) continual training, skills development, promotion & learnerships).

Operational Manager (Schenck-Africa, JNB) 02.2003 – 07.2004
Sales & after-sales (technical) services & site visits; (project related) design -, procurement -, manufacture -supervision & quality assurance (incl. (equipment) operations, performance & commissioning); logistics, supply chain, warehousing & distribution; plant -, warehouse -, DC (distribution centre) -& field/site (service) -team management (incl. H&S (health & safety); HR & LR (labour relations) and knowledge management, for the organization which manufactures and services heavy-engineered (mining, weigh-bridge & bulk-handling) equipment.
• Worked with the Sales & Project Manager, with 20 staff to serve & service the market with (traditional turn-key) projects, as well as (support service) contracts, that were compliant of all relevant standards.

Interim Operational Manager (temporary contract, Horma, JNB) 05.2002 – 01.2003
Sales & after-sales (technical) services; (project related) design -, procurement -, manufacture -supervision & quality assurance (incl. (equipment) operations, performance & commissioning); logistics, supply chain, warehousing & distribution; plant -& warehouse -team management (incl. H&S; HR & LR) and knowledge management, for the organization which manufactures and services medium-engineered (water pump(ing)) equipment.
• Successful short-term (turn-key) projects -, as well as long(er)-term (support service) contracts -management, with 15 staff.
• Performed various (project -; quality -; resource -& financial –management) audits.
• Through change management, improved staff relations (effectively reducing staff turnover) and through knowledge management, facilitated singular controlled source(s) of information (readily available for authorized staff, as required).

Operational Manager (promotion, OmniPless, CPT) 01.2001 – 04.2002
(Project & production plant related) logistics, supply chain, procurement, facilities & resource (incl. workshop, fleet & transportation) -and quality assurance (incl. (equipment) operations & performance) –-management, as well as R&D, Production (Department) & client liaisons & relations management, for the organization which designs and manufactures (telecommunications) equipment.
• Successful business premises relocation, with 120 staff (and virtually seamless primary operations).
• Developed various programs to sustain the longevity & financial investment into procured (standard and specialized) equipment.
Mechanical Engineering Internship (OmniPless) 01.2000 – 12.2000
Worked closely with senior engineers & management in project & production -; quality - and knowledge -management.
• Developed several operation methodologies which were implemented into the organization’s (internal & supplier) regulatory (quality assurance) systems.

Room Service Waiter (Cape Grace Hotel, CPT) 03.1997 – 01.2000
Silver service -; hotel & boardroom events -and stock & resource –management; frontline guest liaisons & internal communications, in the five star (silver) hotel.
• Employee of the month (07.1999).

Operational Manager (Fredy Industries, CPT) 01.1996 – 12.1999
Project & production (related multi-process engineering, (systems & equipment) service, R&D, quality assurance, logistics, supply chain, procurement, distribution (centres & transportation), facilities (incl. plant, warehouse, offices, etc.), resource, risk, security, incident, utilities & environmental) -; public & customer relations -; man -, (general) administration -and knowledge –management; (regional & national) marketing, (multi-level corporate, domestic, industrial, wholesale & retail) sales, promotions, events & finance, for the mass (& project, light-engineering) production/manufacturing organization.
• Initiated & refined various strategies, functions and changes that were needed in line with relevant standards & practices (incl. pricing proposals & marketing (e.g. low-season promotion) programs; streamlined contract management; staff empowerment and performance management).
• Debtors, Creditors & Age Analysis FM (Financial Management).


Micro-MBA course The Business Place Ekapa, CPT 02.2008
Professional Sales & Management course The Peer Training Group, JNB 11.2007
Firearms Control course Buccaneer Guns, CPT 06.2007
ISO 9000:2000 Practical Quality Auditing InCon Consultants, DXB 03.2005
Pendant Crane course Lifting Op Training Centre, JNB 09.2003
ISO 9001:2000 Internal Quality Auditor TUV Quality Services, JNB 10.2002
International Operations Management Knights Academy, CPT 11.2001
Operational Planning
Project Management
Basic First Aid
Safety Officer
Weapons Training course
First Aid course Red Cross, CPT 01.1998
National Diploma Mechanical Engineering Cape Technikon, CPT 1994/5/0
High School education/curriculum Cape Town High School, CPT


My functions over 14 years, as Group Operations Manager (& (acting) Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)/Chief Information Officer (CIO)), Interim/Change Manager, Management Consultant/Entrepreneur and Operational Manager, entail (strategic & executive) enterprise (company-)group -; (elemental) organizational/general (business unit) -; (satellite) branch & (sub)division/department -; operations & administration -; interim, consulting & advisory -; corporate governance, operational regulations & protocol -; communications, correspondence, documentation, publications & events -; (local, regional, national & international) business development & sales -; (field & tele/call centre)marketing, promotions & contact centre/helpdesk -; (customer/supplier) tenders, proposals, negotiations, contracts & accounts (reconciliations) -; customer, corporate & public relations -; R&D (research and development), quality, project & production -; systems & process -; utilities & environmental -; (preventive) risk & security, (corrective) incident -; logistics, supply chain, procurement, manufacturing, (maintenance & upgrade) services, warehousing, distribution (centre, fleet & transportation), facilities, site & resource -; personnel/staff, team & contractor -; knowledge, information & change –; (organization/cost centre) financial (budgets) & P&L (profit and loss) accounts - -management, as well as private, volunteer (non-profit community/social) initiatives.


I am a multilingual (English (proficient), French (intermediate), Afrikaans (intermediate, similar to Dutch) and German (basic)) Swiss National who wishes to relocate (with my wife and child), once a suitable position is secured.


Examples of experiences & functions, (as) relevant to the position (apart from those mentioned in the Resume):

(Freelance) Management Consultant/Entrepreneur During various (diverse) programs & projects, I planned & produced, or ensured, (as appropriate) the (enterprise -; organizational -; corporate -; personnel -; marketing -; commercial -; or industrial -) strategies (as relevant to the client’s industry or their (current and/or intended target) market (for primary -or support -project, production or other purposes)); directed the (interconnected & multidisciplinary) worksystems (organizational business network systems) and (as necessary, auditable) operational protocols (e.g. during an interim (change/transition) consultative period with an organizational business unit (which was a fledgling commercial concern of its stock-market listed (company-group) enterprise), coordinated marketing, promotion & sales efforts (incl. company -, product -& brand -exposure) by the (field, office-bound & contracted) marketing, sales, distribution and support teams, resulted in key (national and major) business accounts, as well as effective networks & goodwill with (confirmed & other potential/future) customers, suppliers & shareholders); -

Other (program & project) functions have included: government/legal (legislative, administrative executive & operational) compliance; organizational & corporate structure & governance formulation; PR (public relations) & website content; chairing or facilitating (staff, senior management or shareholders) meetings or advisory attendance (therein) or soundboarding (strategies, tactics or (even potential) operations/detail(s) thereof); R&D/Intel(ligence) gathering (incl. data(base and information) warehousing/registries) & Due Diligence; IP (intellectual property), Information & Knowledge Management; Confidentiality/Secrecy undertakings; Risks & Countermeasures (incl. PA (preventive action) & CA (corrective action)); M&A (mergers & acquisitions); -

HR (Human Resource)/Personnel/Management -related deliberations have occurred through 1-on-1 (one to one (i.e. amongst two individuals only)) –and/or (participative) group -discussions/presentations, etc. for reasons of: Recruiting; Individual Skills Development (incl. ABET (Adult Basic Education & Training), general motivation, effective training/learning & performance management (ito (in terms of) KSF (key success factors (as)) deliverables & evaluations (thereof))) and (organizational/social) Group Dynamics (incl. communications & administration, brainstorming (both beyond and within the box (i.e. macro -& micro -managing and best & worst case scenarios, etc.)), teaming, delegation, candor, feedback & conflict (as/of -and between -individual(s) and/or (possibly) other (sub)group(s))) guidance, mentorship & coaching; (primary basic) HSSE (Health, Safety, Security & Environmental (matters)) as well as employee empowerment, retention and negotiation programs; -

Consultations have also been provided, as relates to: Regulations, standards, compliance & (other) improvements (ito operations, administration & other functions, etc. (e.g. best practices, international standards, etc., incl. through OPM (Operations & Procedures Manual), process mapping, auditing (& reviews), etc.));
Sales, business development and tendering (& proposals, incl. B2C, B2B, B2E & B2G (i.e. business to -(individual) clients/customers; -business/organisations; -enterprises; -government (respectively));
Commercial & trade (incl. cash sales & hire purchase, lease, ancillary services & outsourcing/(sub)contracting program) negotiations & contracts;
Plant, Machinery & Equipment (i.e. capital assets/fixed assets) commissioning, handovers, (general) FM (facilities management, incl. production & corporate (floor & workspace) study, design, maintenance & ergonomics), as well as stock control & distribution management;
ICT (information, communications (&) technology), (associated) networking/compatibilities & usability;
(effective & efficient) business trip, destinations, events, (international/multicultural) meetings, (corporate & personal) etiquette & relocations management; -

- within various organisations (incl. start-up; SMME (small, micro & medium enterprise); franchise; consultancy; local empowerment industry, social support & blue collar (as opposed to white collar) co-op (cooperatives) & NPO (non-profit organisations), amongst others).

First Security Group I was (virtually autonomously) authorized (as the Group Managing Director’s 2IC (second in command)) to achieve the (enterprise’s & companies’) monetary objectives, financial ratios, (sales & contract) targets, etc., through whatever means & method proved suitable.
Accordingly, in functioning as (acting) Chief Knowledge Officer/Chief Information Officer, the development of the organizational profile, learning and performance improvement was undertaken. Hence, (amongst other strategies, aspects and (empowering) initiatives managed,) the (company-group) enterprise’s vision, mission & (strategic through till tactical) planning was developed and communicated to all authorised staff (as appropriate), followed by each (elemental) companies’ & division’s vision, mission & (strategic, through tactical, till operational) planning (being developed, by the companies & divisions (respectively) themselves, (as) directed by myself), and executed & governed (as appropriate, by the operational staff, management, senior management, etc.), till periodic (or other) changes or (previously) planned scenarios required otherwise.

The CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and I ensured that all capital asset expenditures & operational expenses, by senior & division management, were indeed within their allocated or division’s authorized budget. Rolling (fiscal) reports were reviewed to track planned (business development) objectives and variance/flash reports (and CA plans) were generated (and executed) as required.
Comprehensive expense accountability (through TCM (total cost management)) ensured that any outsourcing, sub-contracting (or other unplanned provision of service, by external parties) was only permitted, as requested, when the (company-group) enterprise (as a cumulative whole) actually could not meet such demands (even through (enterprise–wide) resource re-allocation). And SLA(service level agreement)-related (negotiated) T&C’s (terms & conditions) with supplier/service providers, in trading accounts & (subsequent) ASL (approved supplier/servicer listings) management, ensured that working capital was (only most strategically- effectively & -efficiently) utilized, against our (bills) payable(s) ((as) compared to (other) debt to creditor(s) or possible (capital) expenditures).

My direct staff (reports) were trained, mentored, coached & managed to ensure regulatory (& quality assurance) compliance (through effective utilization/executions of MOU (memorandum of understanding), negotiations, contracts & SLA (incl. distributorships, territorial rights & restraints of trades, as well as (other) inter-agency agreement(s)); P&P (policies & procedures), SOP (standard operating procedures)) and if need be (by) PA or CA measures), whenever, wherever & however such required. MBO (management by (SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant & time-oriented) objectives) was mandatory & MBWA (management by walking around) was indoctrinated with and through them. Various (severely enforceable) NCND (non-circumvention, non-disclosure) ensured sensitive information (incl. operational details & IP-related) wrongful dissemination risks were mitigated.

Appropriate, key (trade/sectorial & non-sectorial) events & conferences, as well as expos & road shows, were attended (if not operated/managed, as our own, nor for presenting or exhibiting, then) for PR, social responsibility, corporate goodwill, marketing/commercial SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) & CRM (customer relations management) contacts, surveys and so forth.
Senior EXCO (executive command/committee) & division management meetings & presentations were held at least bi-weekly to ensure prompt communication on all pertinent (and imminent) developments & opportunities, etc., while strategy -; operations -and financial –reports, were drafted monthly.

Schenck-Africa With our own (on(our)site, sales, design & training) offices as well as (onsite & outsourced, project, production & servicing) plant facilities, (stock) equipment demonstrations & services were carried out, either onsite or at our clients’ site/premises, by competently trained technicians and/or contractors.
A benevolent rapport with clients was also maintained, by advising them on (critical, crucial or key) spares & components to keep on(their)site or in our warehouse, in line with their current operating conditions and/or WBS (work breakdown structure), etc., as part of our regional (area) sales & contract management ongoing customer retention program.
Our non-manufactured (commercial-industrial) stock, bulk purchases and other deliveries were managed through multi-tier supply chains.
The staff were managed, led and coached through establishing (quantitative and qualitative) objectives, goals & performance measurement; as well as knowledge & change management, which ensured we ran in compliance with the relevant regulations (of the authorities) (incl. BCEA (Basic Conditions of Employment Act), OHSA (Occupational Health & Safety Act) & EEA (Employment Equity Act), etc.).


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