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Project & Programme Manager

Project & Programme Manager

Work Experience

Laterio (September 2001 – to date) Director SHOC skill group (Strategy, HR, Organisation and Change Management)
At Laterio, my main responsibilities are in the area of:
Business development (developed credibility for Laterio with various senior managers of the The Post)
Skill group development (in the process of developing service offerings and strategic objectives)
General management of Laterio as a member of the management team
Program management (set up of a cross-business and -service unit governance body that coordinates the roll out of The Post’s main strategic improvements projects towards the network of branches. Designed the organisation, facilitated the agreements between senior management and other stakeholders and played the role of interim Program Manager.)
On-Lime (May 2000 – June 2001) Founding Partner
Developed various client and partner relationships with small as well as very large accounts. Set up internal processes and tools for business development: lead generation, sales funnel management.
• Roll out of a Siebel CRM tool (Global Transaction Banking), Globally
Project manager for the preparation and implementation of a new Client Support tool to 6 pilot locations worldwide. Designed approach for the further roll out to 20 countries. Ensured that equal focus was put on the organisational, strategic, human and technical aspect of the project.
• Knowledge Management (ABN Amro @ccelerator), Amsterdam
Project manager for the design of detailed processes, roles and tools to enable and enforce knowledge management among the staff of an internal ‘accelerator’. This ‘accelerator’ focuses on providing consulting-like services (development of bus. case, tool selection, …) to all e-commerce initiatives in the bank globally.
• E-awareness workshops (Nederland Gaat Digitaal), Rotterdam
Development and execution of a training programme to create e-awareness with SME’s in the Netherlands.
E-CRM Financial Services (Global Transaction Banking), Amsterdam
Designed a solution to integrate the incoming customer queries via the web with the existing back office customer care processes
Alliance Management (Gemini University), Paris
Gave various workshops about “How to manage alliances in the new economy?” as an external lecturer for Gemini University (Gemini Consulting’s annual worldwide training programme).
B2B Internet Exchange (Automotive industry), Amsterdam
Designed and implemented the Value Added Services (online Cargo Insurance, Third Party Inspections, Logistics and Financial Settlement) to complement the core auctioning functionality of this marketplace.
GEMINI CONSULTING (December 1996 – May 2000)
As consultant and senior consultant I was involved in following projects:

• November 1999 – May 2000: Interim COO for a B2B Internet Exchange (Automotive industry), Amsterdam
Selection of System Integrator, Web designer and auctioning package software provider. Project managed the deliverables and milestones of the different parties to ensure launch in April 2000. Coordinated the design and validation of the ‘supporting processes’ (user registration, financial and transactional settlement, customer care and billing).
• May – November 1999: Financial Services (Global Transaction Banking), Amsterdam
Prepared and validated a project plan for the selection and implementation of a tool for the bank’s global Client Support unit. Mobilised the organisation around the initiative and created buy in from senior management.
• April – May 1999: Data communications and Airline Networking, Paris
Set up a business case framework and economic model during the pre-analysis phase of an order management re-engineering project. The model was used to quantify and extrapolate the expected project benefits in the process of convincing the senior management to proceed with next project phase.
• March – April 1999: Professional Services, Amsterdam
Developed a Knowledge Management framework that supported the employees of a Professional Services company in the field.
• January – March 1999: FMCG (Food Products), London
Led the Support Processes Effectiveness Stream (3 Gemini and 5 Client people) during a 10 week Analysis and Design project. Tailored, designed and performed diagnostics to investigate the effectiveness of the Finance and HR functions supporting the central organisation and the 22 factories throughout the UK. Documented and validated ‘As-Is’ findings and designed high level ‘To-Be’ principles.
• June – December 1998: Financial Services (Insurance), Cape Town
Team Manager during the ‘wall-to-wall’ transformation of an IT department in a major South African insurance company (Gemini team 8 people, Joint Team 14 people). Built a project-based organisation, which was aligned to the business through IT governance bodies (budgetting and prioritisation of IT initiatives). Developed a commercial IT management framework with new finance and HR processes and assisted in the design of the new macro and micro organisational structure.
• March – June 1998: Financial Services (Global Transaction Banking), Amsterdam
Aligned different sub-projects in the European implementation of a new business line for a major international Dutch bank. Clarified and mapped the interdependencies between the 50 to 60 initiatives and assessed the risks involved in the existing implementation approach. Prepared the management team and the countries for implementation.
• January – March 1998: FMCG (Hair care), Brussels – Amsterdam
Identified synergy opportunities in the integration of a Belgian and a Dutch sales organisation (outsourced logistics, common IT department, etc). Contributed to the design of a new organisational structure and an implementation plan for integration. Investigated and documented the systems implications (SAP and other), mainly in the sales and marketing areas of the supply chain.
• August – December 1997: Oil & Gas, Stavanger (Norway)
Investigated the potential add-on technologies to an ERP system to enable the integrated management of the supply chain. Developed an Electronic Commerce strategy for the procurement department. Clarified the role of the IT department throughout the different steps of the supply chain.
• April – August 1997: FMCG (Dairy Products), Belgium
Overhead Effectiveness Stream, Activity Value Analysis, Order Handling, Forecasting and Production Planning, Supply Chain Management. Designed and tailored diagnostics, interviewed and presented back to map ‘As-Is’ findings and planned way forward.
• January – April 1997: Financial Services (Retail Banking), Rotterdam
In the Sales Effectiveness stream, I developed Key Performance Indicators and a roll out of performance management processes in the different branches. Preparation of training material and set up of training sessions for the branches.
EDS (June 1995 - December 1996)
• August 1996 – December 1996: Financial Services (Retail Banking), Brussels
Responsible for sub-projects of a ‘Mortgage Backed Securities’ programme.
• May 1996 – August 1996: Assistant Instructor, Dallas
The main responsibilities were: facilitating courses and case studies, coaching trainees during exercises, evaluating performance, etc.
• March 1996 – May 1996: Training, Dallas
Intensive two-month training program covering the full development cycle of an application, using the IEF CASE-Tool. Including business analysis, JAD, development and testing.
• June 1995 – March 1996: Financial Services (Retail Banking), Brussels
As a business analyst I analysed and gathered the functional requirements for various modules of a mortgage banking system. The overall program goal was to provide the foundations for this bank to start the securitisation of mortgages in the Belgian market.

F. De Maeyer & Co. (1993-94)
• June 1993 – June 1995: Transportation/Insurance, Antwerp
In the role of Marine and Cargo Surveyor, I investigated the extend and cause of damage sustained by a variety of goods transported overseas into Belgium. Commercial activities were mainly focussed on prospecting potential clients.


MBA, Free University Brussels (1992-‘93)
Applied Economical Sciences, State University of Antwerp, with Honours (1988-‘92)
Nautical College Ostend and Antwerp (1985-’88)


Project & programme mgt, change mgt, organisation design, facilitation of teams & stakeholders in complex environments, process reenngineering, ...


Dutch native tongue
English excellent
French very good
German passive knowledge


Core Strategy Skills, Business Information Strategy, Advanced Business Information Strategy, Effective Presentation Writing, Business Process Re-engineering, Activity Based Management, Introduction to SAP, Applied Knowledge Management, Leadership Development, Process Modelling, RACI Development


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