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senior consultant

senior consultant

Work Experience

Work Experience

January 2003 - now

My consultancy firm is based in the Netherlands. It was established in January of 2003 and has a steadily growing base of international customers.

Most of customers are high-tech SME's. An example would be Photonic Materials, based in Bellshill, Scotland. Photonic Materials is a supplier of crystals for high-volume optical applications. These products are applied in medical imaging scanners, fibre optic components and lasers. Business activities comprise research, development, production, marketing and sales.

At Photonic Materials I led a project aimed at obtaining ISO9001;2001 certification. This project was successfully finished in 2003. The same customer was supported in building a Health and Safety management system conforming to OHSAS 18001, which was certified in June 2004.

Other customers were supported during process-improvement projects in production (statistical process control, lean manufacturing, time management, failure-mode-and-effect analysis).

Job history: Philips / JDS Uniphase
1988 - 2003

I started to work for Philips Optoelectronics in 1988. The organisation was taken over by Uniphase (later JDS Uniphase) in 1998. JDS Uniphase is a worldwide leader in optical technologies, which has head-offices in Ottawa, Canada and San Jose, California. The Einhoven site is a supplier of semiconductor diode lasers and related products for the Telecom Industry. Activities comprise research, development, production, marketing and sales. At the peak of the telecom hype in 2001, the Eindhoven organisation had 650 employees. Revenue increased from $6 million to maximum $33 million per quarter.

Within this organisation, I held several jobs, initially as a scientist and later in management functions with responsibilities for Quality & Reliability, Return Failure Handling, and also for Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS). Operational safety was of utmost importance, as the production of wafers involved metal-organic vapour epitaxy (MOVPE), a production method with many safety-related and safety-critical aspects.

Project assignments:
- Project leader for the introduction of ISO9001, which lead to certification in 1995
- Member of the PQA90 auditor team of Philips Research in 1997
- Member of corporate standardisation commissions on EHS for JDS Uniphase
- JDS Uniphase representative in meetings on TL9000 standardisation (Quest forum). TL9000 is a unified telecommunications quality standard that uses ISO9000 as a basis.

Job aspects:
- Writing and editing the general quality manual and most of the business process descriptions and business procedures for JDS Uniphase Eindhoven
- Performing supplier audits (Japan, Europe, United States)
- Handling environmental permit applications for JDS Uniphase Eindhoven
- Implementing corporate EHS procedures based on OHSAS 18001
- Transferring conformance of the management system from ISO9001 version 1994 to version 2000
- Implementing TL9000


Education and training

February 2004
Auditing OHSAS18001; BSI

Nov. 2000
Internal Auditing ISO9000:2000; KDI

Jan. 1996
Certified PQA-90 Auditor Training; Corporate Quality Bureau of Philips International B.V.

Sept. – Nov. 1995
Graduate course on Organisational Behaviour; Technical University Eindhoven

Sept. 1994
Certified ISO9000 Assessor / Lead Assessor Training Course; Lloyds of London

May 1988
Doctorate degree in Solid State Physics from the University of Amsterdam on a thesis titled: “The half-metallic ferromagnet NiMnSb, a positron-annihilation study”

June 1983
Qualified teacher of Physics; University of Nijmegen

Febr. 1983
Candidate for the doctorate degree from the University of Nijmegen; principal subject Experimental Physics; qualified in Scientific Journalism

In addition courses were taken, such as:
- Introduction to ISO14000
- Design of Experiments
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
- Time Management and Kaizen
- Legal Awareness
- Statistical Process Control
- Patent Application


Building and improving management systems in “high-tech” environments by using an integrated approach that will help customers to achieve financial goals while pursuing a socially and environmentally sound policy.


Dutch / English / German


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