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Independent interim manager/organization adviser,

Independent interim manager/organization adviser,

Work Experience


Independent interim manager/organization adviser, Ocke Consulting agency*
Member of the Dutch Association of Registered Managers, registered manager


2005–Jan2007 Project manager, addiction and psychosis unit, Amsterdam
Assignment: setting up of business unit V&P (clinic, part-time, ambulatory) in collaboration with Jellinek/Mentrum

2005 Implementation adviser redesign of social care and treatment of drug addicts, Twente and IMC (“Intramural Motivation Centre”) adviser, care and treatment of drug addicts, Twente (February 2005–present)
Assignment: study of factors impeding organizational change and advising circuit manager and MT. Later: coaching of managers

Team manager child and youth psychiatry, Rivierduinen (head unit) (January–May 2005) Assignment: in addition to regular substitution management, preparation and design of dual management at third operation level and quick scan of state of affairs with regard to cultural change

2004 Regional manager RIBW (“Regional Institute for Protected Housing”) Twente Central (head unit), (June–Nov. 2004)
Assignment: interim management and preparatory work for cultural change

Project manager KVO (“Children of Addicted Parents”)
Assignment: setting up of Gelders Addiction and Youth Care Cooperation (April–October 2004)

Organizational advice by assignment of the Volunteer Centre
Assignment: quick scan of Third World shop, Zwolle and advice about options to increase turnover (March–May 2004)

2003 Managing director, health care service organization, replacing a person who was ill (May 2003–February 2004)

Ocke is the oldest known family name of the founder and represents rootedness and level-headedness. The letters also represent opportunity, communication, knowledge, and empowerment. These key words can be applied to my method of working. The English phrases stand for a broad outlook.

Director, Women’s Shelter Gelderland (staff of 140). Extra duties: austerity project, improving internal and external
communication, and moving the central office (completed February– December 2003)

Autumn 2002 Start-up of Ocke Consulting with condensed coaching and advisory processes

Continuing sidelines: management coaching, supervising, and chairing conferences


1994–May 2002 Director, Women’s Shelter, Overijssel and North-eastern Flevoland
Multifunctional organization with ambulatory and residential (135 places) department and project office (staff of 90–95)

Duties from 1999–May 2002: preparation of two mergers, designing and managing organizational change in the direction of a process-oriented organization, and developing and managing the merged organization; first with a merger in Zwolle (completed on 8 March 2000) and then in Overijssel (1 January 2001: merger with two women’s relief organizations from Twente)

Results: a multifunctional, modern, and professional organization, a major contact and expert in the field of domestic violence and teen motherhood. Successful fund-raising (a few hundred thousand Dutch guilders) for renewal projects and design of new development

Duties from 1994–2000: setting up of a new relief and assistance centre (Berendina Stoel Foundation, Zwolle); i.e., complementing new development, organizing staff formation, creating this new organization (intrinsically, organizationally, financially, and network-wise); finally, as manager/administrator (supervisory-board model)

1991–1994 Company-training coordinator, Westeinde Hospital (staff of 1,450), The Hague
Duties: setting up of a newly developed training position and department in its entirety (multi-year policy, annual programmes, drawing up of estimate [about €0.9 million]); setting up and coordination of company training programme and, incidentally, offering work conferences and management training myself, and managing a small department

1989–1991 Training and organizational development adviser, Welfare Service (staff of 350), Municipality of Alkmaar
Duties: similar tasks regarding training as in Westeinde Hospital in a current position and on a smaller scale (budget: €70,000). Also support of quality-improvement projects, conflict mediation, and development of staff planning

1989–summer Contract research and advising about training plan, Applied Didactics, University of Twente; contract research for the strategy group gender assistance, Amsterdam

1987–1988 Global experience: cycle tour Amsterdam–Beijing. Freelance worker for VARA radio (“Factor 5”): programmes about development cooperation/women’s position from refugee camps in Sudan and Pakistan

1982–1987 Coordinator, Valkenhorst Foundation, Breda, relief and support centre (staff of 150)
Duties: coordination and management of intrinsic assistance of around four teams, managing project groups, working as deputy chairwoman of management team, and development of the organization’s policy and applied research in this matter

Before and in addition to these posts, I have worked as
1984–1987 Instructor, continuing-education and extra-training institute of the Stichting Vrouwenleergangen (“Training Centre for Mental Health-care
Workers”), Utrecht, and the Stichting Eetverslaving (“Bulimia Foundation”)
1982–1985 Co-founder and therapist of Vrouwentherapiecentrum (“Women’s-Therapy Centre”), Nijmegen
1981 Educational assistant, clinical psychology, Nijmegen
1979–1980 Worker in socio-cultural training, Eindhoven (partly appapprenticeship)

Various executive posts (currently, committee member of Foundation Town Guard Ijsselland Central and Transact Foundation), 1986–present
Various stints as visiting professor and external consulting and training activities
Travel guide, SRG (“Disabled People’s Recreation Foundation”), 1974–1984



1989–1990 Business-oriented management course about personnel and organization (post-graduate), de Baak/VNO (“Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers”)
Modules included organization theory, training aspects, marketing, strategic and social policy, information science, financial management, and advisory skills
1973–1980 Psychology study, Catholic University of Nijmegen
Main subject: clinical psychology
Major extensions: social and cultural psychology
1966–1973 Gymnasium-B, Arnhem

2007 Intensive Individual Language Training
course in English,Regina Coeli
2004 “Refresh Your Views on Interim Management,” training course
2001–2002 Personal Effectiveness and Change Management, de Baak
1997–1998 Management modules such as management and organization, marketing,
And business economics, Windesheim University of Professional Education
1990 Efficient management (internal training course), Municipality of Alkmaar
1984–1985 Management for Women, Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and
Ongoing Condensed (staff) management courses such as dealing with mergers, management


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