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Interim HR manager

Interim HR manager

Work Experience

8/2004 - today
Interim Manager Quantiq X-media BV (Hilversum, NL)
Responsible for setting up and implementing employee benefits such as pension plan and car policy, writing and implementing the Employee Manual. Helping the company to move to a higher level of professionalism by using several organizational development interventions. Coaching management on their management skills on both people and business aspects. Mapping internal processes and implementing control and administration support processes.

During this time I focused on my personal development in
- Business Administration (Bedrijfskunde) (Open University)
Currently I am working on my Bachelor Thesis.
- Certified Mediator (The Lime Tree)
Next to my study I created my own company, offering Personal Coaching and individual & group profiling. Today the focus has grown into Change Management and HRM Interim Management.

1/2000-1/2001 EMC2, Nieuwegein (NL)
Human Resource Manager
Member of management team. Creating an HR function in the Netherlands. Responsible for all HR aspects including recruitment, people management, Health and Safety aspects, training and management (team) coaching. Responsible for integration and harmonization of employee benefits of Data General, a company acquired by EMC2.

1999-2000 Raet Systems, Veenendaal (NL)
Responsible for labor market communication, recruitment and selection for the company. During this time a growth percentage of 15% was realized, exceeding the targets.

1997 - 1999 Digital/Compaq Utrecht (NL)
Employee Relations Manager
Member of the negotiating team harmonizing employee benefits of Digital, Tandem and Compaq. Negotiations took place with 3 workers councils and representatives of 3 Trade Unions.
Creating and implementing a Employee Relations program as the basis of the culture integration of Compaq. Elements of the program were bimonthly management training sessions, group programs of several days to develop shared strategy (f.i. customer service department of 600 people), top down information sessions by MT.

Human Resource Manager
Responsible for the Sales and Marketing departments of Digital and Compaq during the integration. This group consisted of 250 people after the integration. Several managers, individuals and departments were downsized. My tasks were creating profiles for all functions, training management in selection techniques, supervising the selection process, coaching management, handling of conflicts and supporting the outplacement of individuals

Employee Engagement Manager
Based on analysis of reguirements, I set up a organisational development program designed to increase employee motivation and empowerment for the Digital organisation of 1200 people. The total budget for this program was 500.000 euros and involved large-scale kick-offs, teambuilding and strategy, as well as creating an internal group of trainers to support team initiatives.

1986 - 1997 Digital, Nijmegen (NL)
Customer Service Manager
Customer Service group consisted of 8 direct reports supporting international customers regarding material recovery and re-engineering of products. Integrating 2 separate groups into one customer service team with a high level of expertise and customer focus.

Senior Planner, Project Manager
Fulfilled several functions during this time within a logistics environment. Projects included:
- JIT implementation within a final assembly environment;
- Quality certification within a material recovery environment
- Implementing forecasting and material planning applications


Bachelor degree in Business administration (2001-now)Open University
Certified mediator (2001, The Lime Tree)
International Management Development (2000, IMD Lausanne)
STAR interview training (2000, STAR)
7 habits of Highly Effective People (1999, Franklin Covey
International training in organization development (1998, London,Paris,Lausanne)
Strategic Human Resource Management (1998-1999, De Baak)
Personal Profiling (PA-consulting)
Management Challenge (1997, Digital)
Brainstorming (1996, Neuland)
Project management training (basics, prosimula, excellent
project mgmt) (Digital)
Problem Solving & Decision Making (1992, Digital)
3 basic courses in software development (1990, AMBI)
Certified in production and inventory management (1986-1990, APICS)
Several generic training courses such as Time Management, MS-office tools
IT related courses such as MS-Access, programming in Basic


I’m an experienced independent (interim) manager who enjoys bringing order into chaos, without making this order a goal in itself. Internal processes and controls have to support and develop with the company’s external focus, not the other way round. My focus, education and experience are in change management, in particular the organizational, process and people aspects thereof. Key-words: HRM, Change Management, Mediation, Coaching


Dutch (Native speaker), English (Excellent, I lived several years in the USA and have worked for various US-based companies)


Prepared to travel, as long as it does not result in 'living out of a suitcase'.


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