Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
21218 professionals


interimmanagement TIP: soortgelijke CVs vinden

Interim manager / procesbegeleider / adviseur / trainer

Interim manager / procesbegeleider / adviseur / trainer

Work Experience

Algemeen profiel

Business Process Integration - fitting organizational skills and processes in the best possible way! We're only satisfied when you are...

Strategy and leadership development, Quality Management (ISO, TQM, INK, HKZ), Business Process Development & Management, Information Architecture

Founder & Owner
Consultancy & Business Development B.V. (Privately Held)
Management Consulting Industry
September 1997 – Present (7 years 5 months)
Establishing organizational excellence, Leadership development, HRM improvement, Quality Management & Auditing (ISO 9001:2000 / 17799, TQM, INK, HKZ), Business Process Integration & Improvement
Educational & training programs for Effective Leadership, Quality Management, Business Process Management, Information Management and Procurement

Co-founder & Owner
Focus Team (Privately Held)
Management Consulting Industry
September 2004 – Present (5 months)
Business Performance Analysts - Analytic reference models for Governance, HRM, ICT, Information Security, Risk Management and Quality Audits - specialized in quick scans and improvement proposals

Trainer & Teacher
CBT and NCOI (Privately Held)
Professional Training & Coaching Industry
October 1997 – Present (7 years 5 months)
Experienced trainer/teacher for:
- Logistic management
- Management skills
- Quality Management (TQM and ISO 9001:2000)
- Internal Auditor ISO 9001:2000
- Production Management
- Production Management (Master degree)
- Management of Business Processes (Master degree)
- Facility Management (Master degree)
- Management Science (Master degree)
- Procurement
- ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems)

Senior Business Consultant
Momentum BV (Privately Held)
Management Consulting Industry
November 1999 – June 2001 (1 year 8 months)
BPR Consultant - ARIS Consultant – Value SAP Consultant –
Major industries and governmental organizations.
Specialized in Business Process Re-design, Business Process Re-engineering, development and implementation of Information Architecture and tools for Business Performance Management

Manager Production, Logistics, Library & Customer Affairs
Dutch Library for the Blind (NLBB) (Non-Profit)
Libraries Industry
January 1995 – October 1999 (4 years 10 months)
Management Team member NLBB, 200 employees and 150 volunteers committed to production and distribution of talking books, braille books and information in adapted formats for visually disabled customers
Project Manager in the DAISY Consortium, responsible for development and implementation of the “Digital Library for the Blind” as a standard for 30 cooperating countries and the international standardization of training programs.

Production Manager
Sandoz Young Plants Production (Privately Held; 51-200 employees)
Consumer Goods Industry
January 1994 – December 1994 (1 year)
Production Manager in a high-tech production environment for sowing and cultivating young plants


- Academische opleiding bedrijfskunde (geen drs.), nadruk op kwaliteitsmanagement, organisatieanalyse en kwantitatieve methoden (Open Universiteit)
- Opgeleid in Architectuur van geïntegreerde informatiesystemen (informatieanalyse, organisatieontwerp, -inrichting en –besturing) (IDS Scheer Akademie)
- Lead auditor ISO 9001:2000, (Nigel Bauer & Associates)
- Value SAP Consultant CBI, (SAP implementaties en analyses bij SAP partners)
- Vele specifieke korte opleidingen en trainingen, complete lijst op verzoek
- Bekend met gangbare bedrijfsapplicaties (office, financiële, productie, personeels en logistieke systemen, zowel in standalone als ERP toepassingen)


Boven de partijen staan, geintegreerd denker, proces- en kwaliteitsmanagement, organisatieanalyse en -verbetering


- Engels spreek- en schrijfvaardigheid vloeiend
- Duits spreek- en schrijfvaardigheid goed


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