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It and operational auditor, AO/IC specialist, proces-, quali

It and operational auditor, AO/IC specialist, proces-, quali

Work Experience

1999-2008 Consultancy - Partner

2007-2008 Advise, implement and control of the information security policy for an international financial service organisation, including amongst others:
Information security policy in accordance with the ISO 17799:2000
Perform AIC classification (availability, integrity and confidentiality) of processes and systems
Perform risk assessments
Promote security awareness and implement the ICT code of conduct
Advise contract and service management, project and change management, architecture and business continuity management
Advise, implement and control of the authorisation management process
Advise Sox and SAS70 projects

2005-2006 Advise, implement and control of the information security and privacy project for a public service organisation, including amongst others:
Information security policy in accordance with the ISO 17799:2000
Suwi law (¡§Wet structuur uitvoeringsorganisatie werk en inkomen¡¨)
Government information security law for special information (¡§Voorschrift Informatiebeveiliging Rijksoverheid-Bijzondere Informatie (VIR-BI)¡¨)
Privacy law (¡§Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (WBP) and Achtergrondstudies en Verkenningen 23 (AV23) of the College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (CBP)¡¨)

2005 Consultancy for implementing of an asset and configuration management system and related processes for an ICT outsourcing organisation

2004-2005 Advise and support Third Party Audit (TPA) and SAS70 project for an ICT outsourcing organisation, including amongst others Sox, Cobit, ITIL and ISO 17799:2000

2004-2005 IT and Operational audits for an international ICT service organisation

2003 Design of procedures, work instructions and controls for the division investment banking for an international financial service organisation

2002-2003 Support and quality assurance ICT management project for a health care organisation

2001-2002 Support and quality assurance information security project for a public service organisation

2000-2001 Interim management ICT department for a health care organisation

2000 Design of an internal control system for an international financial service organisation

2000 Audit of an Audit E-commerce project for an international financial service organisation

1999 Audit of Y2K-projects for an international financial service organisation

1996-1999 Fortis Audit Services - Assistant IT Audit Manager
Audit and advise regarding the information security policy
Operational audits of different banking, investment and insurance processes
IT audit and advise of the process controls, application controls and ICT general controls
IT audit and advise of different ICT projects
IT audit and advise of the software selection, design, test and implementation processes

1991-1996 PricewaterhouseCoopers N.V. - EDP Auditor
Information security audits and advise
IT Audit and advise of the process controls, application controls and ICT general controls
IT Audit and advise of the software selection, design, test and implementation processes
IT Audit and advise of the outsourcing process
(Re)design and implementation of the administrative organisation and controls
Third Party IT Audits (TPA)
SAP IT audits en advise
Use of audit software

1989-1991 Joanknecht & Van Zelst Accountants - Assistant-accountant and business consultant
Selection and implementation of (small) financial applications like Exact, Grote Beer and Multivers
Analyses, design and implementation of database and spreadsheet applications
System management of the internal office network
Preliminary audits at some medium-large national enterprises



1997-1999 Post-university study Operational Audit at the University of Amsterdam
1992-1994 Post-university study EDP Audit at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam
1991-1992 First phase study EDP Audit at the VU University of Amsterdam including
the Nivra AO exam
1989-1991 Some modules Nivra
1985-1989 Business informatics - HEAO Sittard


2003 Prince2 Foundation
1998 Project management
1996 ITIL Foundation



Aggie is a pro-active and result driven professional with the focus on improvements. Aggie has wide experience in operational and IT auditing as well as process, quality and risk management.


Languages: Dutch (native), English (fluent)



Norea Dutch association/registration for certified IT Auditors (¡§Norea - Nederlandse Orde voor Register EDP Auditors¡¨)
VRO Dutch association/registration for certified Operational Auditors (¡§Vro - Vereniging voor Register Operational Auditors¡¨)


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