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Operations Executive

Operations Executive

Work Experience

Results oriented Executive with extensive expertise in the areas of Change, Corporate Turnaround, Mergers & Acquisitions, Performance and Process Implementation. Commercially astute, operating in a global arena with the concomitant positive response to fluid markets and rapidly changing situations. An analytical, lateral thinker, who rapidly grasps essentials, identifies under-performing areas and delivers effective solutions. An accomplished communicator, articulate and confident, who establishes a positive interface at all levels and commands respect and credibility within widely varying business communities. Proven employee/team development and motivation skills. Long association with blue chip companies in the UK, Belgium, USA, South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Highly mobile, willing to work worldwide.


Worldnet Management Ltd. June 1996-Present
Managing Director
Delivered turnaround and change implementation projects with measurable results in Europe, the U.S.A. and South Africa. Industry sectors including telecoms, utilities, logistics, science factoring and baking, specifically:
Reduced headcount by 25% and implemented a strategic buying programme for the world's second largest producer of platinum. Benefits achieved were in excess of $4million.
Restructured a supplier of Laboratory and Hospital products operating in twelve countries across Europe with 340 employees. Transformed its business from 12 individual companies to one company with common processes and a once only approach to each role. Cost Reduction of 90 people giving a benefit of $4.5million.
Increased productivity in excess of 30% in one of the bakeries of a major player in the U.K. to allow for the accommodation of the production of two other locations allowing for major costs reductions.
Re-engineered business processes, implemented performance metrics and the communication of clearly defined areas of responsibility for USA logistics division of Global freight operation. Generated productivity increases in excess of 40%, a major shift in the business culture and benefits of $5million.
Implemented process and controls for a utilities company faced with inability to process large volumes of new customer contracts resulting in administrative chaos, huge backlogs and irate customers. Together with management training reduced backlogs to zero and achieved optimal process throughput times through greatly improved productivity. Productivity increase 100%.
Managed the communications and change management aspects across Europe for a global telecoms company implementing a 'one stop shopping global process.

Krestahague International Ltd: UK, South Africa & Zimbabwe May 1993-Apr 1996
Operations Manager
Delivered Change Implementation projects with measurable results in a variety of projects within the UK, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Industry sectors including: Retail, Fund Management (City of London), Agriculture and Construction, specifically:
Re-engineered business processes and implemented management controls and performance metrics for a City of London Fund Management company. Supported by management training captured bottom line benefits of $3million.
Implemented crewing models reflecting customer traffic profiles and conducted management training for a U.K. 700 store convenience retailer, wishing to increase its market appeal prior to floatation. Cost Reductions and enhanced customer service were delivered with an increase in profit of $5.2 million.
Turned-around a poorly performing Zimbabwean steel fabrication company by extensive training of all supervisory staff on performance measurement together with monitoring of performance via key metrics. Major cost reductions achieved with profit increase of $500k.
Re-engineered all business processes for a manufacturer and supplier of fertiliser, serving 50% of the Zimbabwean market which needed to provide a competitive edge against cheap imports from South Africa. Subsequent cost reductions in the areas of labour and the financing of inventory and debtors increased profits by $5million.

Byrne Fleming SA Ltd, South Africa July 1989 - Mar 1993
Operations Manager
Directed programme management projects in Retail, Manufacturing and Mail Order sectors in South Africa, Namibia and Swaziland, specifically (continued page 2):

Delivered 40 % increase in productivity of distribution centres for major clothing and textiles retailer, 800 outlets, to provide support for major growth through acquisition and new store opening without necessitating additional supply chain facilities. Benefits $2million.
Applied a single 'recipe' to a chain of 1400 retail stores across 3 countries ensuring one business with one operating methodology and one set of business rules, bringing about improved business control, improved customer perceptions, increased sales of 5%, reduced shrinkage and reduced inventory write downs. Increased profitability by $8million.
Established an international trading company for South African goods in the European market including strategic planning and the design of business processes.
Achieved profit increases for a supermarket chain of 30 stores by cost reductions and revenue increases by wall to wall productivity improvements, effective merchandising and better purchasing. Increased profitability by $3 million.
Repositioned a troubled retail chain of 120 stores within the market place, both in terms of store locations and branding addressing business strategy, training and the culture change necessary to support the new business. Company trading successfully having moved its market from D.E. income group to predominantly B.C. income group. Benefits $6million
Turned-around a loss making bus company serving Cape Town. All aspects of the business required scrutiny including bus utilisation, routing, scheduling, maintenance workshops, security, and administration. Profit increase of $7.5 million.

IMR (UK) Ltd, UK June 1987-June 1989
Project Executive
Responsible for programme management of Performance Improvement projects in the UK encompassing Retail and Pharmaceuticals, specifically:
Turned-around an under-performing new hypermarket within a co-operative retail chain to become the enterprise flagship and the model for the balance of the stores. Benefit included revenue increases, reduced operating costs, improved customer service levels and reduced product shrinkage. Profit improvement $1.7million.
Right sized a veterinary pharmaceuticals company, following a period during which a number of acquisitions took place, implementing a series of Management Control Systems to allow management to focus on cost reductions and revenue increases. Benefits $1.5million.

Metra Proudfoot SA, Bruxelles Nov 1985-June 1987
Installation Manager
Responsible for programme management of Productivity Improvement projects within the UK in Manufacturing and Agriculture
Turned around a loss making PLC, a manufacturer of plastic extrusion moulding products, into a substantial profit earner within a year. Increased profit circa $3,000,000.
Transformed an ailing PLC, a manufacturer for the Civil Engineering sector, with outdated attitudes and methodologies into a sleeker operation. Headcount reduced from 800 to 500 whilst achieving the same level of output with substantial increases in customer service levels. Profit increase $1.5 million.
Developed, piloted and implemented a Performance Management Control System for a National Bakery at two of the company's operations and then rolled this out to all 21 locations in the UK.
Carried out the operational merger of the two major players in the U.K. seed market. 45% reduction in combined payroll costs achieved yielding $3.6 million.



Bachelor’s Degree in Management with a concentration on Human Resources
(George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA)
Association of Certified Accountants 1 & 2


Association of Productivity Specialists Master Productivity Specialist


Change, Corporate Turnaround, Mergers & Acquisitions, Performance and Process Implementation, Business Process Re-engineering, Training.




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