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Financieel Directeur

Financieel Directeur

Werkervaring interimmanager

Several consultant assignments Ernst&Young, KPMG, Converge and direct recruitment:

May 2008 – Present J.F.A.M. Weijtmans Beheer BV & ProRail BV
Rail industry
Function: advisor
Tasks and responsibilities:
Set up new business
Writing business plan Broker Company
Investigation Planning Company

May 2008 – Present Eurovia ( ETF Luxembourg )
Rail industry
Function: advisor
Tasks and responsibilities:
Advise on a 3 year strategy plan
Improve KPI reports

Feb 2008 – March
J.F.A.M. Weijtmans Beheer BV & DB Schenker
Rail logistics
Function: advisor
Tasks and responsibilities:
Due Diligence / biding process

Jan. 2003- June 2003
H.J. Heinz USA European office the Netherlands:
Wholesale and Production Company
Function: financial manager Benelux

Tasks and responsibilities:
- Financial management reports Benelux US GAAP;
- Integration financial processes HAK, VENZ;
- Financial planning - and budget cycle;
- Tax remunerations and pension matters;
- Administrative organisation;
- maintain external contacts;
- improve performance Benelux finance.

Nov. 2001 - Dec. 2002
Free record shop holding NV
Retailing company
Function: financial manager

Tasks and responsibilities:
- Financial management reports;
- look after cycle of planning and budget cycle;
- coordinate of annual plans and annual accounts;
- Financing, insurance and legal matters;
- Tax remunerations and pension matters;
- Administrative organisation and internal controls;
- Selection ERP SAP;
- maintain contacts at head office;
- improve performance finance departments Benelux;
- Quick scan total organisation plus recommendation
merging financial departments in the Netherlands;
- improve international controls into more profits;
- conclude listing.

Aug. 2001 - Oct. 2001
Ministry Justice Netherlands
Governmental organisation
Function: project leader 7 controllers

Tasks and responsibilities:
- Quick scan organisation;
- Action plan implementation output targeting model;
- Action plan reorganisation financialadministration.

Feb. 2001 - June 2001
Findus AB London (former Nestlé)
Wholesale and Production Company
Function: financial manager, controller

Tasks and responsibilities:
- Calculations closing costs factories;
- look after month reports board of directors
- coordinate of existing closing programmes;
- Take over preparations 500 Mln. Euro.

Okt. 2000- Dec.2000
AD techno NV
Wholesale company ICT
Function: consultant
Tasks and responsibilities:
- Recruitment potential investors and or fusion partners.

July 2000 - Sept. 2000
Menno design BVBA
Wholesale company
Function: consultant

Tasks and responsibilities:
- set up total organisation in the field of
administration, sales and logistics;
- Recruitment office manager;
- set-up marketing plan;
- appraisal sale and license contracts.

Aug. 1999 - Jan. 2000
Vilenzo international NV
Retailing, wholesale and Production Company
Function interim financial manager

Tasks and responsibilities:
- set up A.O. in the field of administration, sales and logistics;
- Recruitment and selection employees purchase, logistical, administration and IT;
- Blueprint processes pre-automation;
- Implementation software exact finance, logistics, sales.

June 1998 - Jan. 1999
Twistello N.V
Wholesale and Production Company
Function: consultant

Tasks and responsibilities:
- set up total organisation in the field of finance, sale and logistics in Luxemburg and Romania;
- Recruitment and selection employees purchase, logistics, administration and IT;
- Set-up marketing plan;
- assess set-up production facilities Romania.

Marc 1998 - Sept. 1998 Tracing potential investments in Romania (cooperation project with KPMG and ABNAMRO Romania)
Function: consultant

Tasks and responsibilities:
- tracing producers in the shoe industry in Romania, which wish a participation of an external investor;
- Bid process take over Production Company;
- Investigations for a possible IPO.

Opleiding interimmanager

Training :
MDS small business school
BBA (similar with HEAO business administration)
MBA (certificates part off total programme)

Courses :
Commercial, change management, E.R.P. implémentation,
IFRS, IAS , French Regina Coeili

Automation :
Office 2000, Exact, SAP R3, Hyperion, Caseware, S-Base

Member :
European Retail share forum, (14 exclusive members such as
Ahold, Colruyt), ICT Retail Round table, VNSG Retail Netherlands SAP user association, Finanza NL , KPMG CFO round table.

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Competencies :
Results driven, empathically, strategist;
Providing added value with well organised teams focused on excellent international financial, ICT, commercial and business control processes; Goal-driven leader who maintains a productive professional climate and confidently motivates, mobilizes, and coaches employees to meet high performance standards.

Talenkennis interimmanager

Languages :
English, German(good) and Spanish/French (average)


Short summary : Wide national and international experience within the retail,
whole sale and production businesses. Focus on strengthening the business through a sharp external focus and improvement of the needed internal processes to be successful. Wide C.O.O, C.E.O and C.F.O experience within the fields of start ups growing from 3 to 2.000 F.T.E., also experience within mid sized and large stock listed companies and a form owner of a whole sales company.


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