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Manager projecten

Manager projecten

Work Experience

March 2011 - Present
Cunina, Geel, Belgium
My main responsibilities are:
• Development of strategic plan 2012 – 2015
• Re-organisation of the management of the organisation:
o Improvement and streamlining the narrative and financial reports
o Development of contracts, jobprofiles
o Improvement of statutes of organisations
o Re-organisation the management structures in the South
• Quality control narrative and financial reports
• Coordinate the approval process of projects
• Guide the implementation of educational projects

Teamleader International Programmes
2005 – March 2011
International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), The Hague, The Netherlands (member of Management Team).

• Development and implementation of departmental strategy
• Development and implementation of yearplans and annual budgets
• Coaching of personnel
• Quality control of the reports for co-financing agencies.
• Supervise the development of co-financing reports.

• Negotiate and compile agreements for
o acquiring funds with commercial companies, national and international NGOs, bi –and multi lateral organisations and
o exchange of information
• Represent the organisation at different conferences, trips et cetera

Country Manager IICD for Uganda and Zambia and managing the donor contracts with national NGOs
2002 - 2005
International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD), The Hague, The Netherlands

Country manager
• Supervising the activities of IICD in Zambia and Uganda
• Development and implementation of yearplans and annual budgets
• Developing and implementing country strategy for IICD for Zambia and Uganda
• Supervision and coaching of project formulation and implementation
• Technical advice about ICT4D in the sectors of education, health, governance and livelihoods
• Advise organisations about organisational issues related to the embedding of ICTs strategies in the organisations
• Maintain and develop contacts with project implementors in Zambia and Uganda, national and international organisations

Management of donor contracts
• Development of partnerships agreements with NGOs
• Responsible for the reporting to donors

Head Project and Marketing Bureau
2000 - 2002
International Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands (member of Management Team)
• Supervise acquisition of the institute
• Supervise educational bureau
• Supervise corporate marketing bureau
• Organisation of conferences
• Represent IHS at different for a
• Special focus on India and Indonesia

Programme Manager for Eastern Africa and the horn of Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea Sudan) and managing the merge of project administrations
1993 - 2000
Memisa, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
• Technical advice health projects
• Management advice health projects (improvement of services et cetera)
• Judging project proposals on the basis of quality criteria
• Acquiring funds for the implemention of the projects
• Coordinatd the internal affairs of the section Eastern Africa
• Coaching of personnel active in the projects, mainly MDs
• Manage the merge of project administrations of three reputed Dutch NGOs (Bilance, Caritas Netherlands and Memisa into Cordaid)

Full time study at the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands

Rehabilitation Extension Officer
1987 – 1990
Evelyn Hone College, Lusaka, Zambia.
• Form a link between School of Physiotherapy and the health institutions
• Organising post-graduate courses
• Organising internships for students physiotherapy
• Teaching

Physiotherapist and first physiotherapist
1982 – 1987
Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
• Treating patients at different wards and the Outpatient Department
• Coordinating the internal affairs of the section surgery of the Physiotherapy Department

1979 – 1982
Solwezi General Hospital, Zambia
• Treating patients at hospital and St. Francis Leprosarium
• Technical advice for leprosy patients
• Setting up rehabilitation programme in Solwezi District


Secondary school H.A.V.O.-B. 1974
Bsc Physiotherapy 1979
Msc Health sciences in Maastricht, The Netherlands 1993

Certificates General Management 2000
Operational Management 1999
Human Resource Management 1999
Acupuncture (three-year course) 1985
Different courses in physiotherapy


See Cunina workexperience
Key competences:
Projectmanagement in different cultures
Translation strategic changes in workplans, budgets et cetera and implementation of strategic changes


English: fluent verbal and in writing
Dutch: Mother tongue
German: reasonable


1980 - 1982 Chairperson Field Council SNV-Zambia
1998 - 2000 Chairperson Parents – Teacher Association
2003 - 2010 Executive Secretary of the Board of ‘The Toolkit Partnership’, an international NGO involved in gathering cases of good governance in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe.


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