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HR / Talent Management Manager/ Director

HR / Talent Management Manager/ Director

Work Experience

Detailed Career Overview
February 2009 – Current
Member of HR Research Team
Research work with international expert groups on the use of technologies for remote management and coaching. Lead by Johan Destrooper (Vancouver, Canada).
Collaboration at development of new technologies for learning and coaching in remote.
June 2008 – January 2009

Talent Management Director

SAUDI OGER LTD, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Group of companies mainly for Maintenance, Construction, IT and Telecom.
Department: Recruitment and Selection, HR Change Management, Career & Performance Management, Crisis Management. Reporting to the Chief People Officer (VP HR)
• define Talent Management Strategy and Plan till 2010.
• define and implement new HR structure with needed resources in line with business objectives (goals : easy to do business with, more efficiency, right people on right place).
• define and implement of competency assessment centers and a leadership development program with external partners.
• simplify more than 100 HR Administration processes for ERP integration and self serve purposes.
• reduce of the job dictionary from 3200 to 1100 job titles, job classification for more than 40.000 employees in a large variety of business lines.
• define more than 1000 job descriptions in line with business reality.
• define HR management reporting tool including figures of all HR practices.
April 2006 – December 2007

HR Director KSA

ATOS ORIGIN ME (now HP), Manama, Bahrain and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, IT Consulting Services. Department: Recruitment and Selection, HR Management. Reporting to the Managing Director Saudi Arabia.
- reduction of total HR budget costs in projects with 30%
- project milestones where reached or adapted in agreement with customer.
- reduction of resources turnover.
March 2003 – March 2006

Managing Director and Management Consultant

2D Partners, based in Brussels, Belgium. HR Consulting Services
Department: Owner. Activities : Recruitment and Selection, Change Management, HR Consulting/Management, Learning and Development.
Sample of achievements:
• during 2 years manage HRO at interim at Hain Celestial Europe (production and distribution of organic food products).
- recruit of corporate managers and key employees.
- create of HR shared services
- define and implement of HR Sarbanes-Oxley policies & procedures.
- define and implement of employee performance management process).
- coach Top management to build a united European organization and improve personal effectiveness.
- enable the integration of the different merged companies in Europe and work out the communication plan.
• at Kimberly-Clark, HP, Elia participate at different Senior Leadership programs as a coach and executive trainer ()
• at SADAD (Project of Saudi Monetary Agency , Riyadh, KSA): report to Top Management. Analysis of HR organization and solutions to shift SADAD from a project to a business organization.
September 2001 - February 2003

Learning and Development Manager

KPMG, based in Brussels, Belgium, TAX, AUDIT, CONSULTING Services. Department: Training/Learning and Development. Reporting to the HR Director.
Achievements :
- definition and development of leadership program (including 360°) with external partners
- enable partners and management to
- reward employees based on performance and competences.
- forecast and budget the costs of rewarding.
April 2000 - August 2001

Business Development and Team Manager

SHL Ltd, based in Brussels, Belgium, Recruitment and Selection, HR Consulting Services. Department: Business Development, Recruitment and Selection/ Management Assessment. Reporting to the CEO. Member of the Management Board.
Achievements :
- recruit and coach a team of 6 psychologists
- participate in business growth of SHL Belgium by 30% in 2000.
February 1996 – March 2000

Training and Development Manager Benelux

NRG – Nashuatec (Ricoh Group), based in ‘s Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, Information Technology and Distribution
Department: Change Management, Training and Development in HR. Reporting to the HR Director Benelux.
Achievements :
- the learning program made Sales shift from a “box moving” to a consultative selling approach and Services from pure maintenance to a consulting services and project management approach. Managers learn to lead a business with P&L responsibility.
- a new Performance Management system has been developed and introduced together with Business Balanced Scorecard for measuring.
- NRG Benelux became a business management example in the Ricoh group in Europe and got the Ricoh Group Business Award in 1998 and 1999.
November 1994 – January 1996

Training Manager

BELGACOM Directory Services , Brussels, Belgium, Telecom Department: Training and Development in HR. Reporting to the HR Director. Achievements :
- 400 newly recruited Sales trained in 8 months.
- After 1 month more than 60% of the new Sales recruits worked on target.
April 1988 - November 1994

Management Consultant

DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION (now HP), based in Brussels, Belgium, Information Technology and Services
Department: Training and Development, Management Consulting, Change Management,. Reporting to the Learning Services Manager.
Most important achievements:
At customers
- Polaroid Services Management Europe defined a different business strategy.
- European Information Centre (EU) management clarified their future business roles and possible impact on the organization and the business.
- Fortis Bank (now BNP) management were enabled to work efficiently together in a project management environment.
At Digital Equipment
- adapt assessment and programs for Management development which helped the company to attract and retain talents.
- refrain during 4 years the management turn over to less than 6% for the managers who followed the Management Development Program
- cultural integration of new business organizations
July 1980 – March 1988

Business Project Developer and Training Specialist

GROUP ROYALE BELGE (now AXA), based in Brussels, Belgium,
Job Role/Department: Business Development, Training and Development in HR Reporting to the Training Manager
- develop & install software tool for targeted prospecting; train and organize helpdesk support for 250 users in the regional offices to serve more than 5 000 sales agents.
- start up, develop and run induction & skills training programs for more than 4 000 people (management and employees)
September 1976 – June 1980 Teacher French and History
At Private Secondary Schools in Belgium


• Education: Bachelor in Education – major French.
• Additional: Management Program at Vlerick School of Management (1999, University of Ghent).
• From 1998 to 2004 Professor at International Business School in Breda (NL) and University of Derby (UK), Part time MBA program, lecturing Consulting Competences and Research Tools (1998-2000), Strategic HRM (2001-2004) and also promoter of students.
• Sample of training courses and programs followed:
MANAGEMENT: Leadership Development Curriculum, Self Managing Teams, Performance Management.
SELLING: Business Development Program, Consultative Selling techniques (SPIN and PSS).
CONSULTING: Organizational Consulting - tools and techniques, Implementing Balanced Business Scorecard, Strategic Visioning and Change Management Processes.
PROFESSIONAL: Several communication programs, Project Management, Use of different MS office tools.
• Use of proven applications, main models and technology e.g. Business Balanced Scorecard, EFQM, Microsoft tools, PMP, Top Mapping to ensure a fast, efficient and timely implementation.


1. Executive / management (fixed or at interim): Strategy definition, planning and implementation. For:
o HR Management : to align HR functions to external and internal organizational changes
o Talent Management : to attract the right people, develop their skills, and manage their motivations and performance
o Change/Crisis Management : to solve people, performance and organizational issues
o Recruitment and Selection national and international
2. Special projects: coaching of managers in business critical positions abroad or in difficult environments.
3. Special crisis intervention for critical “talent retainment” or culturally sensitive situations.
Experienced Strengths
Ability to align the HR function to external and internal organizational changes by defining and implementing a strategy fro the different HRM functions aiming goals as: Easy to do business with, More efficiency, Right people on the right place.
HR Management
 At Hain Celestial Europe (Production and Distribution of organic food products), Atos Origin ME (Information technology Services) and Saudi Oger Ltd (International group mainly Construction and Maintenance, 40,000 people in Saudi Arabia), analyze and optimize the HR processes to enhance HR responsiveness, reach 0default, prepare HR Self-Serve tools to reduce HR costs and ease communication with HR.
 At NRG (Ricoh group, Information Technology Distribution and Services), KPMG (Tax, Audit and Consulting Services) , Atos Origin ME, define and manage the budget and contracts with external suppliers.
Change Management
 At Hain Celestial Europe, define strategy and create a shared services structure for common supporting functions in the merging companies (e.g. Projects, Hum an Resources, Finance and Information Technology) in order to allow growth, reduce GM&A costs and ease management control.
 At SADAD ( Project of SAMA, National Bank of Saudi Arabia) and Atos Origin ME, analyze an HR department and write the due diligence (e.g. to prepare for a merger) and advice Top Management for further steps.
Talent Management
o At NRG and Saudi Oger, build and implement a Talent Management strategy.
o Specifically at Saudi Oger, select the team (15 pers.) for new functions as Learning & Development, Career and Performance Management, Human Resources Systems (including Organizational Design, HR Processes, Policies & Procedures, HRMS integration and Management Reporting). Define job descriptions and job classification which will be used for recruiting, Compensation and Benefits, Succession Planning, Resource Planning, etc.
o At Atos Origin responsible for the mobility of resources over the different projects.
o At AXA-Group Royale Belge (Bank and Insurances), Digital Equipment, Corporation (now HP, Information Technology Distribution and Services), KPMG (Tax, Audit and Consulting Services), NRG and Saudi Oger Ltd, define L & D solutions to attract and retain the needed competency, develop management and high potentials, shift the competency needed in the company (to reach short, medium and long term goals).
o At Digital Equipment Corporation, customers of SHL Ltd (HRM Consulting Services), Saudi Oger Ltd, define the needed competences for key positions and implement development centers.
Performance Management and Reporting
o At KPMG, implement the Global Performance Management System to allow partners to evaluate globally KPMG resources in the same way, reward fairly towards performance and define upfront the budget for bonuses and promotions.
o At NRG, Hain Celestial Europe and Saudi Oger Ltd, create and implement a customized Employee Performance Management System and measurement system like the Business Balanced Scorecard, introduce procedures and rules for Sarbanes- Oxley and quality certification.
Recruitment and Selection At SHL Ltd, Atos Origin ME, Saudi Oger and Hain Celestial Europe
o Define Job definitions and job classification for use by R&S, C&B, L&D and OD
o recruit (via Assessment centers) corporate managers and key employees with the right competences and reduce turn over.
Executive Coaching : : at Hain Celestial Europe, NRG, Elia, Kimberly-Clark coach leaders and executives to enhance their competences and to guide them towards their next career step.


Fluent threelingual (orally and written): Dutch (mothertongue), French (education) , English (work experience)
Good notions of German


Werkte in totaal 6 jaar in Nederland als Management Consultant (Digital Equipment Corporation, nu HP), Training and Develpment Manager Benelux voor NRG (Nashuatec-Ricoh Group)
Professor parttime MBA IBS - HSBrabant, Breda (NL)/University of Derby (UK)van 1998 tot 2004 doceerde
Consulting Competences and Research Techniques (1998-2000)en Strategic HRM (2001-2004)


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