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Project Manager Operations

Project Manager Operations

Work Experience

Project Manager Operations for an international IT company; several projects throughout the company with an emphasis on process and structural optimization. (Based in the Netherlands for 20 months now)

Project Manager for an international under water construction company; establish contacts between the client and local authorities, built a load out yard, managed approximately 40 people through a span of control of 7. (Based in Qatar for 8 months)

Logistics Engineer for an international under water construction company; restructure the work processes, establish good relations with subcontractors, integrate logistical input (approximately 35% of the budget for these projects) into the existing project structure, built a load yard. (Based in NL 6 months and Houston US 10 months)


Currently half way my part-time MBA, expected date of completion; September 2010.
Bachelor in Logistics & Economics


Process minded, output driven, good stress management, eye on the human factor.


Dutch (native speaker)
English (fluent)
French (reasonable)


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