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Interim-manager / Logistiek consultant met 11 jaar ERP (3 ja

Interim-manager / Logistiek consultant met 11 jaar ERP (3 ja

Werkervaring interimmanager


Project Experience Industry Experience Knowledge
• 11 years ERP experience.
• Project / Team Leader experience.
• 8 years functional SAP-consultancy experience.
• 3 years technical SAP-consultancy experience.
• 3 years tech/functional BAAN-consultancy experience
• Atlas Copco
• Tyco Building Services
• Siemens Munich / Den Haag
• NMBS Belgian Railways
• Philips Semiconductors
• Power Tools Distribution
• Brabant Water
• Campina Nederland
• Nestlé Switzerland Globe
• Sigma Coatings
• Littelfuse
• Philips Medical Systems
• Akzo Nobel
• Aluminium Delfzijl
• Ministry of Economic Afairs
• Dikema BV BPC
Role in projects
• Project / Team Leader
• SAP Functional Consultant SD MM
• SAP ABAP Programmer
• Information analyst
• BAAN Consultant

• Chemical Industry
• Transportation
• Retail
• Telecommunications
• Semiconductor Industry
• Utilities
• Manufacturing
• Medical Industry


• CRM Siebel 6 Sales
• Streamserve

Business Information Warehouse:

• InSight
• Crystal Enterprise / Reports
• SAP BW SAP Modules Expert:
• SD
• MM
SAP Modules Good Knowledge:
• CS
• WM / LES
SAP Modules Knowledge:
• PM
• PP
• PS

SAP Implementation:

Various courses:
• SAP R/3 Objected oriented Programming
• SAP R/3 Engineering
• SAP R/3 Logistics
• MySAP.com introduction
• SAP BC400 Introduction ABAP/4 Development
• SAP BC420 ABAP/4 Development Workbench Data
• CRM Siebel 6
• ITIL Foundation

Career summary
(In reversed order, most recent first)

Period: 07/2007 –
Customer: Atlas Copco, Project SEED, Antwerp Belgium
Position: Interim-manager SAP (SD, MM, WM, CS)
• Optimizing logistic business processes in SD-, MM, WM and
CS-area after go live for Poland and China.

Period: 02/2007 – 07/2007
Customer: CTAC , Den Bosch
Position: Interim-manager/Logistics consultant SAP (CS, SD, MM, WM,
• Interim-management for several clients optimizing logistic
business processes.
• Solving notifications for several clients in logistics area.

Period: 11/2006 – 02/2007
Customer: Tyco Building Services Products, Enschede Project Novus SAP R/3 ECC 6.0
Position: Functional CS/SD lead consultant
• Writing blueprint together with prototyping the logistical
flows and processes : quotation, sales, deliveries, billing,
pricing, VAT, customs, consignment, returns, transportation in
relation with materials management (purchasing, mrp and batch
management) and FI CO.
• Configure and customize system in SD-area.

Period: 04/2006 – 11/2006
Customer: Siemens, Munich Germany Project Spiridon RD IT SAP R/3 4.6
Position: Functional SD consultant
• Setting up pricing for Materials and BOM’s (80
Konditiontypes) with access sequences, statistical
prices, costs, formulas and integration with CO and FI.
• Setting up different sales processes and commission
business in relation with MM (purchase requisition, PO etc).
• Setting up VAT and customs processes
• Configure and customize system in SD-area.

Period: 10/2005 – 04/2006
Customer: TNT Den Haag project Musketeer SAP R/3 ECC 5.0
Position: Functional SD lead consultant
• Defining conceptual design for the targeting proces (=
selecting postboxes) for the delivering of leaflets for the
unaddressed market in combination with the creation of a
quotation or a salesorder with the help of a GIS system.
• Setting up masterdata in SD.
• Configure and customize system in SD-area (quotation, sales
order, contract, pricing, revenue recognition, variant
configuration (config materials, batches, characteristics, BOM,
variant pricing).
• Coordinating developments in SD-area regarding targeting
proces in combination with GIS.

Period: 05/2005 – 10/2005
Customer: NMBS (Belgian Railways), Brussels SAP R/3 4.7
Position: Teamleader MM responsible for purchasing and MRP
• Writing blueprint together with keeping workshops with users
regarding purchasing.
• Writing business process procedures (BPP).
• Setting up masterdata (materials, batches, vendors, info
records, sourcelists, MRP-data etc etc) for purchasing and
• Configure and customize system in MM-area (release
strategy, pricing, inventory management, business processes
etc etc).
• Coordinating developments (enhancements, interfaces) in
• Setting up trainingmaterial for endusers.

Period: 12/2004 – 05/2005
Customer: Siemens Den Haag
Position: Functional SD/MM/WM consultant in AMC (support
Responsibilities: • Configure and customize system in SD- and MM-area
(pricing, variant configuration, variant pricing, MRP, revenue
• Solving issues in SD, MM and WM-area.
• Configuring and customizing system for interfacing SAP with new WMS-system (IDOCs, Workflow).

Period: 06/2004 – 12/2004
Customer: Philips Semiconductors Eindhoven Project CLASS Implementation SAP R/3 4.6 in Asia Pacific
Position: Functional SD/MM/WORKFLOW consultant
Responsibilities: • Datamigration for SD- and MM-objects from legacy system to
SAP using LSMW.
• Configure and customize system in SD- and MM-area regarding Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Pricing, Contracts, Stocks and Material Determination.
• Configure and customize system for using EDI and workflow
in ordering process.
• Solving issues during implementation in SD- and MM-area.

Period: 02/2004 – 06/2004
Customer: TPGPost Project Purchase to Pay Groningen, The Netherlands
Position: Functional SRM/EBP/WORKFLOW consultant
Responsibilities: • Configure and customize system for SRM/EBP.
• Configure and customize system for using workflow in
purchasing process in SRM/EBP.
• Giving workshops for the business how to setup the system
using workflow in SRM/EBP area.
• Writing functional specifications using different BADI’s in
SRM/EBP area.

Period: 11/2003 – 02/2004
Customer: Power Tools Distribution (Distribution of Atlas Copco Tools), Hoeselt, Belgium
Position: Functional/technical ALE/EDI/IDOC/BAPI/WORKFLOW consultant in SD– and MM-area in SAP R/3 4.7
Responsibilities: • Testing interfaces transferring masterdata (materials,
purchase info records, prices) using ALE, IDOCs and BAPIs
from legacy systems to SAP R/3
• Testing end to end processes in SD- and MM-area regarding
• Configure and customize system for testing interfaces in
combination with workflow environment
• Enhance modifications, userexits, BADIs to improve
interfaces and workflows

Period: 09/2003 – 11/2003
Customer: Brabant Water, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
Position: Functional consultant in MM- and PM-area in SAP R/3 4.6c
Responsibilities: • Configure and customize system in MM- and PM-area
• Solving issues from endusers in MM- and PM-area
• Testing processes in MM (SRM, EBP), PM- and PS-area
• Setup interface in combination with workflow environment in
MM- and PM-area for mobile solutions and link to other
maintenance program using LSMW

Period: 07/2003 – 07/2004
Customer: Transforce, Alphen ad Rijn, The Netherlands
Position: External adviser SAP for company that delivers management reporting tools Crystal Enterprise and Crystal Reports for SAP BW and SAP R/3
Responsibilities: • Give strategic advise for setting up seminars to present
reporting tool in relation with SAP to several potential clients
• Give SAP training to employees from Transforce to setup
reports for several (potential) clients with data from SAP BW
and SAP R/3
• Give SAP training to several clients regarding to Crystal
Enterprise/Reports in relation with SAP BW and/or SAP R/3

Period: 07/2003 – 09/2003
Customer: Campina Nederland, Woerden, The Netherlands
Position: Functional/technical Workflow consultant in SD- and MM-area in SAP R/3 4.6c
Responsibilities: • Configure and customize system for Workflow environment
• Writing ABAP-programs for Workflow environment
• Analyzing and testing processes for using Workflow

Period: 02/2003 – 07/2003
Customer: Nestlé Project Globe, Vevey, Switzerland
Position: Functional/technical ALE/EDI/Workflow consultant in SD-, MM-, WM-, LES- and FI/CO-area in SAP R/3 4.7
Responsibilities: • Writing specifications replicating messages between logical
systems in SAP R/3 release 4.7(Enterprise) in SD, MM-, WM-,
LES-, FI/CO- and PS-area for masterdata and transactional
data using ALE, EDI-, IDOCs and Workflowscenario’s
• Writing ABAP-programs and interfaces for ALE-transactions
using IDOCs, BAPIs and RFC
• Analyzing and testing processes for replication using ALE,
EDI-, IDOCs and Workflowscenario’s
• Configure and customize system for ALE- and EDI
• Analyzing and testing of CRM-processes for Internet- Sales
and Mobile Sales
• Setting up archiving IDOCs
• Analyzing and testing of BW-processes

Period: 12/2002 – 02/2003
Customer: Littelfuse, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Position: Functional consultant in SD-, WM-, LES-, and FI/CO-area
Responsibilities: • Writing Business Process Procedures using ASAP in
SAP R/3 release 4.6c in SD-, WM-, LES- and FI/CO-area
• Analyzing and testing processes in SD-, WM-, LES- and
• Writing testscripts in SD-, WM-, LES- and FI/CO-area

Period: 10/2002 – 12/2002
Customer: Sigma Coatings, Uithoorn, The Netherlands
Position: Functional/technical consultant in SD, MM-, WM-, and LES-area
Responsibilities: • Analyse, design and implement of transportdocuments in
SAP R/3 release 4.6c using SAP cockpit
• Configure and customize system in SD, MM-, WM- and LES-
• Programming of transportdocuments such as packinglist,
CMR, customsdocument, touroverview, freightlist, delivery note
tremcard and barcoding.

Period: 01/2002 – 10/2002
Customer: Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands
Position: Functional consultant in CS, SD-, MM-, WM-, LES-, FI/CO- and PS-area
Project Scope & Timeframe: Coordination and monitoring of interface-architecture and
infrastructure via Central Office in global Triple A rollout-
project with SAP R/3 release 4.6c as leading system.
Responsibilities: • Coordinate and monitore interface-architecture and
infrastructure using ALE-, EDI-, IDOCs, BAPIs and RFC
• Testing of mobile sales- and CRM-processes
• Functional testing of interfaces in CS-, SD-, MM-, WM-, LES-
, PS- and FI/CO-area using ALE, EDI-, IDOCs and
• Customize system in SD-, MM-, WM- and
LES-area and configure ALE- and Workflow configuration
• Analyse and design of functional and technical
specifications for information integration architecture-
documents for countries in rollout
• Supporting rollout countries regarding interfaces after live
date using IDOCs
• Writing documentation; workinstructions for usertraining in
SD-, MM-, WM-, and LES-area, business processes in SD-,
MM-, WM- and LES-area
• Analysing of WM- and LES-related business processes
between SAP and material flow control subsystems
• Datamigration using LSMW, CATT and writing ABAP-

Period: 03/2001 – 12/2001
Customer: Akzo Nobel Deco, Sassenheim and Cologne
Position: Functional/technical consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: SAP R/3 release 4.6c implementation
Responsibilities: Reporting to team leader
• Analyse, design and implement EDI-messages Orders-in,
Orders-out, Desadv, Iftmin and Invoice
• Programming of interfaces using IDOCs, BAPIs and RFC
• Configuring ALE and Workflow in SD-, MM- and WM-area
• Supporting endusers regarding EDI-messages after live
date using IDOCs
• Performance optimization of several documents after live
• Writing documentation; business processes in SD-, MM,
WM- and LES-area
• Analysing and programming of documents of SD-related
business processes using SAPsmartforms in combination with
• Programming several reports and userexits in SD, MM and
PP- and WM-area
• Programming of barcoding
• Analysing and programming of WM- and LES-related
business processes between SAP and material flow control
• Datamigration from R/2 to R/3 using LSMW, CATT and
writing ABAP-programs

Period: 01/2001 – 02/2001
Customer: KLM, Schiphol, The Netherlands
Position: ABAP-consultant in PM-area
Project Scope & Timeframe: Maintenance on SAP R/3 release 3.1i implementation
Responsibilities: • Programming several reports, userexits and Dialog Programs in PM-area
• Programming of interfaces using IDOCs, BAPIs and RFC
• Configuring ALE and Workflow in MM-area

Period: 11/2000 – 03/2001
Customer: Aluminium Delfzijl, Delfzijl, The Netherlands
Position: ABAP/EDI-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Maintenance on SAP R/3 release 4.5b implementation and
Responsibilities: • EDI implementation strategy
• Definition of business processes regarding EDI
• Definition of EDI-subsystems
• Analyse, design and implement EDI-messages Desadv,
and Invoice
• Programming several reports in PM-area using SAPscript
• Programming Dialog Programs in SD, MM and PP-area
• Programming of interfaces using IDOCs and BAPIs
• Configuring ALE and Workflow in SD- and MM-area

Period: 09/2000 – 11/2000
Customer: Ministry of Economic Afairs, The Hague, The Netherlands
Position: Functional consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Definition of project compensation registration system and
project knowledge management
Responsibilities: Draw up projectplan, definition of possibilities to link registration system and knowledge management system with SAP R/3

Period: 05/2000 – 09/2000
Customer: KPN, The Hague, The Netherlands
Position: Project Leader
Project Scope & Timeframe: Implementation of planning office within program Kristal
Responsibilities: Planning, co-ordination, resourcing, testing, implementation

Period: 03/2000 – 05/2000
Customer: Internal Euro-team, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Position: Team leader Euro-team
Project Scope & Timeframe: Technical support on software to implement Euro
Responsibilities: Reporting to project manager
• Team selection, planning
• Changing of SAP R/3 ABAP-programs

Period: 12/1999 – 03/2000
Customer: Dikema BV BPC, Oosterhout, The Netherlands
Position: ABAP-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Maintenance on SAP R/3 release 4.0a implementation
Responsibilities: • Programming several reports using SAPscript, userexits and Dialog Programs in MM and PP-area

Period: 09/1999 – 12/1999
Customer: ASML, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
Position: Functional/ABAP-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Maintenance on SAP R/3 release 3.1g implementation
Responsibilities: Reporting to internal project leader
• Analyse, design and implementation of SD- and MM-related business processes
• Programming reports in SD and MM-area using SAPscript
• Programming userexits
• Programming Dialog Programs

Period: 03/1999 – 09/1999
Customer: Holec, Hengelo, The Netherlands
Position: Project Leader, Functional/technical BaaN IV consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Migration of BaaN IV release
Responsibilities: Reporting to project manager
• Migration strategy
• Definition data migration plan
• Definition test plan
• Programming management reports
• Migration strategy
• Supporting endusers after migration regarding functional and technical issues

Period: 02/1999 – 03/1999
Customer: Nefit Fasto, Deventer, The Netherlands
Position: Functional/technical BaaN IV consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Maintenance on BaaN IV release 4c3 implementation
Responsibilities: • Analyse, design and implementation of business processes
in manufacturing- and distribution-area
• Programming management report
• Supporting endusers regarding functional and technical

Period: 11/1998 – 02/1999
Customer: Magotteaux, Luik, Belgium
Position: Techical team leader, functional consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4c3 implementation
Responsibilities: • Coordination technical issues
• Analyse, design and implementation of business processes
in manufacturingarea
• Customization of business processes
• Testing of business processes
• Supporting key-users regarding functional issues

Period: 11/1998 – 11/1998
Customer: Straub Federnfabrik, Wangs, Switzerland
Position: Technical BaaN IV-teacher
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4c3 implementation
Responsibilities: Teaching BaaN IV tools to key- and endusers
• Unix
• Programming BaaN 4GL
• Customizig reports
• Databases
• Supporting key-user with data-conversion

Period: 07/1998 – 10/1998
Customer: Klöckner Hansel Tevopharm, Schiedam, The Netherlands
Position: Technical BaaN IV-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4c3 implementation
Responsibilities: • Programming dialog programs and reports
• Customization of business processes in manufacturingarea
• Supporting key-users regarding techical issues

Period: 05/1998 – 07/1998
Customer: Polo Expressversand, Düsseldorf, Germany
Position: Functional/technical BaaN IV-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4b2 implementation
Responsibilities: • Analyse, design and implementation of business processes
in manufacturing- and distributionarea
• Customization of business processes
• Programming dialog programs and reports
• Supporting key-users regarding functional- and techical

Period: 03/1998 – 05/1998
Customer: Sabic, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia
Position: Team leader, technical BaaN IV-teacher
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4b2 implementation
Responsibilities: Reporting to project leader
• Coordination technical issues
• Analyse, design and implementation of business processes
in manufacturing- and distributionarea
• Customization of business processes
• Programming dialog programs and reports
• Supporting key-users regarding functional- and techical
• Teaching BaaN IV tools

Period: 03/1998 – 03/1998
Customer: Aumund Förderanlagen, Stuttgart, Germany
Position: Technical BaaN IV-teacher
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4b2 implementation
Responsibilities: Teaching BaaN IV tools to key- and endusers
• Unix
• Programming BaaN 4GL
• Customizig reports
• Databases

Period: 01/1998 – 03/1998
Customer: Polo Expressversand, Düsseldorf, Germany
Position: Functional/technical BaaN IV-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4b2 implementation
Responsibilities: • Analyse, design and implementation of business processes
in manufacturing- and distributionarea
• Customization of business processes
• Programming dialog programs and reports
• Supporting key-users regarding functional- and techical

Period: 11/1997 – 01/1998
Customer: Georg Fischer Disa, Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Position: Functional BaaN IV-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4b2 implementation
Responsibilities: Reporting to project leader
• Analyse, design and implementation of business processes
in manufacturing- and distributionarea
• Customization of business processes
• Testing of business processes
• Supporting key-users regarding functional issues

Period: 10/1997 – 11/1997
Customer: HSO Business Systems, Scherpenzeel, The Netherlands
Position: Functional/technical consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Definition interface between BaaN IV and SAP R/3
Responsibilities: Definition interface regarding business processes AR and AP
Technical design interface using SAP R/3 ABAP/4 and BaaN IV tools

Period: 05/1997 – 10/1997
Customer: Wacker Werke, Munich, Germany
Position: Functional/technical BaaN IV-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4b2 implementation
Responsibilities: • Analyse, design and implementation of business processes
in manufacturing-, distribution- and servicearea
• Customization of business processes
• Programming dialog programs and reports
• Supporting key- and endusers regarding functional and
technical issues

Period: 04/1997 – 05/1997
Customer: Herion, Stuttgart, Germany
Position: Technical BaaN IV-teacher
Project Scope & Timeframe: BaaN IV release 4.0a implementation
Responsibilities: Teaching BaaN IV tools to key- and endusers
• Unix, Programming BaaN 4GL, Customizig reports,
• EDI, Databases

Period: 03/1997 – 04/1997
Customer: Messer Griesheim, Frankfurt, Germany
Position: Technical Triton-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Maintenance on Triton release 3.1 implementation
Responsibilities: Changing of reports in module finance regarding business
processes AR, AP and cash management

Period: 09/1996 – 03/1997
Customer: NS Infra Services, Zutphen, The Netherlands
Position: Technical Triton-consultant
Project Scope & Timeframe: Implementation control system using Triton 3.1 as a tool
Responsibilities: Implementing control system designed in practical training

Opleiding interimmanager


1995 Business administration and Informatics Open University.
1996 Technical Business education HTS (Higher Technical School).
2004 Business administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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