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Business Development, European Integration Project leader, Bergen op zoom, Netherlands
Project team leader of cross functional, multilingual, and multi business teams. Majority of my key contacts are CFO’s and local Finance Managers
During this position I was responsible to develop business for new and existing GE Clients and provide an integrated end-to-end factoring solution. This includes price negotiation, legal contract set up, financing, operational process review, credit management, collections, cash applications, interface development from the client system to our operating systems, and headcount transfer. The average timeline to implement an end-to-end solution is approximately 6 months and requires us to work closely together with the client in order to get to the desired end-results. The project teams I led were dispersed and consisted of functional experts from both our organisation as well as the client organisation and are based across various countries in Europe and India. Some of the projects I led also required outsourcing of processes to low cost countries such as Budapest and India. Each project I implemented required a solid review of our client’s systems, processes, procedures and organisational structure in order to ensure implementations are done efficient and effective whilst minimizing any impact on our day- to-day business.
During 2004 our business development project teams achieved a stretch target of 12.4 $MM net income.

Six Sigma MasterBlackbelt

American Express, sales, marketing, communicatie, risk management


Hogeschool voor toerisme Breda
Hoofdopleiding bedrijfskunde.universiteit groningen ( Voorheen IBO te Zeist)


Project management,veranderingsmanagement,outsourcing


Nederlands, Engels uitstekend, Frans redelijk, Duits redelijk


Gecertificieerd MasterBlackBelt volgens de six sigma methodologie


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