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Director Human Resources

Director Human Resources

Work Experience

January 2001 – September 2007
Orange Nederland N.V., The Hague
Director Human Resources
Member Executive Team

As part of France Telecom, Orange Nederland was a mobile telecoms provider, including call centre operations, 65 shops, 1,400 FTE’s. The Dutch mobile organization has a turnover of
€ 650 million and 2,200K subscribers in the Consumer and Business segments. Orange Breedband BV (former Wanadoo) is an internet provider with 230 FTE’s and € 100 million turnoverand 350K ADSL broadband subscribers.
Orange is sold to Deutsche Telekom per October 1, 2007 and I have left.

• Managing HR Shared Services (16 heads), HR Shared Expertise (17 heads) and Employee Relations (7 heads)
• management and personnel development; organisational development and reshaping; recruitment of top management and senior commercial management; works councils; development of compensation and benefits; internal culture programme; internal communications; training call center staff
• Reporting to the CEO and VP HR EME
• Member of the Orange Group HR Strategy Work Group

• As member of a completely new management team turned results from Orange from a negative € 277,000K EBITDA in 2001 into a € 100,000K EBITDA positive company;
• Successfully developed, implemented and lead two major reshapes, including reducing HR to 50% of original size;
• Managed development and execution of the “Orange Inside” culture change program which has lead to the launch of Orange in The Netherlands and is considered to be best practice for Orange Group;
• Managed the development and introduction of new pension plan, new reward scheme, incentive schemes, bonus plans etc.
• Managed the development of the European “New Orange” workshops for the rebranding of Wanadoo into Orange
• Development and implementation of HR Shared Services/Expertise in The Netherlands
• Managed the organisational integration of Orange Mobile and Broadband in The Netherlands (negotiations with Works Councils, harmonisation of C&B, design of new organisation, culture)
• Managed outsourcing Network Build and Run staff of 200 FTE (negotiations with Works Council and in-sourcing company)

Present core activities
• Preparation of HR part for sale of company
• Transformation of recruitment process incl. introduction of e-recruitment tool and ESS/MSS (TalentLink, SAP modules)
• Development of local strategy re. changing staff needs (job mapping, key staff retention etc) and international exchange of high potentials within FranceTelecom
• Preparation of sale of company

May 1996 – January 2001 British American Tobacco, Zevenaar/Schiphol-rijk
Manager Human Resources/MT Member

British American Tobacco Manufacturing B.V. is the cigarette manufacturer with 1,100 FTE’s working in its production facilities in The Netherlands.

• Managing Personnel department (8 FTE’s), Training and Development department (6 FTE’s) and Internal Communications (1 FTE); management development; management trainee programme; CLA negotiations; works council; secretary of the company’s pension foundation;
• Reporting to the CEO and dotted to VP HR Europe
• Member of the HR Europe task force

• integration of compensation and benefits of BAT and Rothmans in The Netherlands
• negotiations and introduction of flexible pension
• managed development and introduction of graduate and talent management, coaching of new managers etc
• managed introduction of Hay job-evaluation for middle and senior management
• development and introduction of bonus scheme for Management Team

October 1994 – April 1996 Thorn Rental Europe, Den Bosch Skala Home Electronics Benelux B.V
Human Resources Director
MT Member

Rental of electronic household appliances and professional electronic systems for hotels and hospitals in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, 48 shops, 420 FTE’s.

• Managing Personnel department (3 FTE’s), Organisation and Management Development (2 FTE’s) and Internal Services (6 FTE’s); development and implementation of MD-programmes; internal communication; training; developing and implementing systems of management by objectives; Hay-job evaluation; developing and implementing performance and development reviews; attitude survey’s; graduate programme; HR information and management system; reorganisation; works council

• As member of new management Team turned the organisation from rental business into financing
• Expansion of BtB sales organisation (prior it was fully BtC)
• Down sizing of organisation

October 1988 – October 1994 Smit Internationale NV, Rotterdam

October 1988 – November 1992 Division Harbour Towage
General Manager Personnel and Organisation/ Deputy Divisional Director
MT Member

Harbour and coastal towage and salvage, based in The Netherlands, Morocco, Nigeria, Bahamas, Panama, Dutch Antilles, 1,200 FTE’s.

• Managing personnel department (9 FTE’s) and salary department (4 FTE’s); reduction of cost of labour; creation of strategic labour policies, implementing structural training and development; leading negotiation teams in The Netherlands, Bahamas, Panama and Dutch Antilles; works council issues

• creating, developing and implementing reorganisations integrated collective labour agreements and pay systems and social plans (from 3 CLA’s back to 1)
• reshape approximately 40% of work force while maintaining service levels
• changed the very negative culture of heavily unionised Works Councils into co-operation
• development and implementation of flexible succession planning for sea going staff

November 1992 – October 1994 Division Harbour Towage
General Manager Rotterdam harbour
(400 FTE’s)

• (Beside those mentioned above) Marketing, sales, operations and financial results for the Rotterdam based part of the company

• increased efficiency in putting on of tug boats and crew
• improved relation between management and sea going staff

October 1985 – October 1988 Mölnlycke Tissue AB, Tilburg and Amstelveen
Manager Personnel & Organisation, Area Central Europe
Member of regional management team

Mölnlycke Tissue AB In The Netherlands had 2 factories and 7 sales and marketing divisions in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 650 FTE’s)

• Managing 2 Personnel Managers; recruitment for regional sales and marketing divisions; compensation and benefits; CLA negotiations; training; internal communication;.

• Being a member of the management team of Edet I became Manager P&O for the two companies Edet and Mölnlycke Tissue in The Netherlands following the take over by Mölnlycke of Edet.
• Integration of both cultures
• Restructuring into business units

October 1982 – October 1985 BP Nutrition B.V., Uden, Goor, Stevoort (B)
Poultry Industry IMVEK B.V.
Manager Personnel & Organisation
Member MT

BP Nutrition B.V. was 2 factories in The Netherlands plus 1 in Belgium, 1 sales organisation, 370 FTE’s)

• Managing 3 Personnel Managers plus Internal Services; working conditions; automation and changes of production processes; reorganisation; works council.

• Developed, introduced and executed plan to reduce sickness level from 30% to <10%
• Introduction of automation in production processes
• Restructuring of 1 of the 2 Dutch plants

June 1976 – October 1982 Philip Morris Holland B.V., Bergen op Zoom

Philip Morris in Bergen op Zoom grew in the years 1978 till 1980 from 250 till 1,100 FTE, at the same time downsizing and closing the Eindhoven site, combining HQ and manufacturing

June 1976 – May 1980 Personnel Officer manufacturing

• Recruitment; organisational and personnel issues

May 1980 – October 1982 Senior Personnel Officer
• Co-ordination of 3 Personnel Officers; all personnel matters for first line and middle management; organisational issues; function analysis; interpretation of CLA.

• Transfer of HQ staff from Eindhoven to Bergen op Zoom
• Introduction and execution of AWV-N job evaluation system


1964 – 1970 : HBS, diploma (Highschool)
1970 – 1971 : Royal Military Academy (‘KMA’), Breda (Retired at own request)
1972 – 1976 : Academy for Personnel Management, (‘HBO PW’), diploma. (BSc)

1981 : Job Analysis (AWV-N)
1983 : Account Management
1984 : Advanced German language training
1985 : Finance for non-financial managers (De Baak)
1988 : Strategic Management (Ashridge College)
1991 : Captain on Dutch inland rivers (professional diploma)
1991 : Media training
1992 : Team Synergy (Krauthammer International)
1996 : Negotiation techniques (De Baak)


professional expertise, problem solving, anaytical thinking, creativity, customer focus and results driven,initiative, responsibility, relationship building, negotiating, strategic thinking, team leadership and change management


Dutch (mother tongue), English (fluent), German (fair), French (moderate)


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