Flex Manager
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Work Experience

as commercial trainee in the Unilever Group from 1970 - 75
as commercial manager in the Bosch Group from 1975 - 87
o as auditor and audit manager in the global operating audit department
o as commercial director in a plant of projectors in Torino
o as controlling/accounting manager in Campinas/Brazil
as commercial director of Index-Werke from 1987 - 89
as business consultant since 1990 experience with small companies as well as with big trusts with the focus on
o controlling projects
o organization and restructuring projects
o logistic projects


after passing the "Abitur" 1964 2 years military service
from 1966 - 70 studies of economics at the university of Cologne with the focus on industial economics and auditing, graduated as "Diplom-Kaufmann"


MS-Office, SAP, DCW, Oracle, Aeneis (software for structuring and optimizing of commercial processes)


good knowledge of English and Portuguese, basics of Italian


temporary professor of economics at a "Fachhochschule"
Co-Author of the book "Controlling of Logistics by Benchmarking"


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